Yoga Tribe
Yoga Tribe - your vibe attracts your tribe! Der Yoga Tribe ist eine urbane Gemeinschaft, ein zeitgemässer und moderner Ort, an dem regelmässig Praktizierende ebenso wie Neulinge dazu eingeladen werden, ihren ganz persönlichen Zugang zum Yoga zu finden. Wir halten nicht viel von Dogmen, und unsere Stilrichtungen sind so unterschiedlich wie unsere Charaktere – von Vinyasa über Hatha, Ashtanga-inspiriertes, Alignment-fokussiertes und Yin Yoga bis hin zu therapeutisch orientierten Stilen. Was uns vereint ist unsere Erfahrung und das Bedürfnis, unsere Praxis mit anderen zu teilen. Wir inspirieren unsere Schüler dazu, die ganze Welt des Yoga zu entdecken und in der Vielfalt auch die Einheit zu finden – auf und neben der Matte. Neben regelmässigen Stunden bieten wir Workshops mit internationalen Gastlehrern sowie Retreats im In- und Ausland an.
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facebook.comUPDATE: AUSGEBUCHT <3 LETZTER PLATZ MORTERATSCH RITT <3 Wegen einer Absage ist ein Platz frei im DZ für den Reiten & Yoga Wanderritt zum Morteratsch Gletscher. Wer kommt mit? Mehr Infos auf: Fragen & Anmeldung via
• W E D N E S D A Y S • #wednesday #yogaclass #indoor #tonight #movement #yogavibes #glow #happy #happyplace #yoga #goodvibes #space #gowiththeflow #being #existence #essentials #life #essential #yogajourney #yoganina
This Wednesday@20.00 O YOGA. This class is all about adduction —hugging into the midline— with the inner thighs to create more bandha control. Maybe integrate this engagement in your flight from the floor, with control. Finish with some additional core work and backbends as well as some twists and hip openers to counter everything. Hug yourself in, in a hug of thunder.
Join me for this late morning Yoga Tribe community class to kick-start your weekend. We'll start with a gentle warm-up, transition into a strong and fluid sun salutation series and end with some good stretches and soothing asanas to make you feel alive and kicking! ▪️ 10:30 - 11:45am ▪️ All yoga levels welcome ▪️ Mats and props provided ▪️ Drop-in ▪️ Donation based Much love ♥ Catherine Lippuner
So our Return to Nature Retreat with Cat Kabira is fully booked, but we still have some spots in her Masterclass on August 2: To register, please send an email to
Tomorrow morning @10.30 O YOGA, don't miss out peeps: - A strong detailed class, learn technique, improve your practice - A beautiful location, view over the birch garden, deepen your breath - A possible brunch after burning your plenty of energy See you see you see you!
Hey peeps! This weekend, there is plenty of O YOGA, focus on CORE: >> Saturday 22nd @10.30 Gallusstrasse 4: COMMUNITY CLASS >> Sunday 23rd @10.30 Hermann's Wohnzimmer: WE ARE YOGA
• W E D N E S D A Y S • #wednesday #yogaclass #outdoor #tonight #sun #vitamind #sunsalutations #movement #yogavibes #glow #happy #happyplace #yoga #goodvibes #space #gowiththeflow #being #existence #essentials #life #essential #yogajourney #yoganina
This Sunday, Yoga am Sonntag with Diana!
Hey peeps! This week, there is plenty of O YOGA, focus on CORE: >> Wednesday 19th @20.00 Gallusstrasse 4: PULLING IT TOGETHER >> Saturday 22nd @10.30 Gallusstrasse 4: COMMUNITY CLASS >> Sunday 23rd @10.30 Hermann's Wohnzimmer: WE ARE YOGA
This Wednesday @20.00 O YOGA: pull it together with some expansion and contraction work, sliding “sans mat” towards a little float to integrate into your flow. Deep hip openers and slow sun salutations, making your way into warriors, side-angles, half-bound and bound. Use your newly awaken core with some arms balances and inversions. Notice what is different.
This Wednesday @20.00 O YOGA: pull it together with some expansion and contraction work, sliding “sans mat” towards a little float to integrate into your flow. Deep hip openers and slow sun salutations, making your way into warriors, side-angles, half-bound and bound. Use your newly awaken core with some arms balances and inversions. Notice what is different.