Birthlight Zurich
Birthlight Zurich offers a holistic approach to pregnancy, birth and the first few years using mostly yoga and other related therapies.
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facebook.comLearn Aquayoga for Pregnancy directly from Françoise Freedman, Birthlight UK Founder and Tutor. The course is open to midwives, yoga teachers, Swimming teachers and more interested in suporting pregnant ladies during the pregancy and for birth. Please contact if you wish to join.
Yoga for Pregnancy and for your Family Birthlight Zurich invites you to our Open House on Sunday, 11th March 2018 Register for a 45-minute free trial lesson (e.g. in Fertility, Prenatal, Postnatal or Family Yoga) and benefit from a 15% discount on passes bought on the day! Birthlight Zurich has specialized in yoga for women and their families for over 10 years. We help you and your child optimize your wellbeing through simple exercises, yoga and mindful breathing. Our experienced and qualified teachers support you during your pregnancy and after. For a detailed program and registration, please consult our website We look forward to your visit! Katia Wharton and the Birthlight Team
Birthlight Baby Yoga Teacher Training with Birthlight Tutor Bryony Vickers! November 29 - December 3, 2018 This intensive 5-day training will include Parts 1 & 2 of the Baby Yoga training series. For more information check out: We are taking registrations so reserve your space!
The Perinatal Yoga Diploma Course will take place at Birthlight Yoga Zürich, Grüngasse 21, 8004 Zürich on: Module I: Thursday, 7.6.18 – Sunday, 10.6.18, from approx. 9.30 until 17.30 (incl. Breaks) Module II: Saturday, 2.2.19 – Sunday, 3.2.19, from approx. 9.30 until 17.30 (incl. Breaks) The costs for the 6-day training are CHF 1'500.00 Space is limited. Register early via email: Birthlight's holistic approach focuses on using breath awareness, proper spinal alignment, original adaptations of classic yoga practices and flowing movements, touch, sound and relaxation to directly benefit women during the time from conception through to nine months after childbirth. We value the physical and emotional nurturing of pregnant women so that they can approach labour and birth with calm confidence, energised from a vibrant core strength and with full use of their breathing capacity. Prenatal bonding is an important element of our classes, promoting acknowledgement and acceptance of the changes that pregnancy brings. Birthlight practices are suitable and beneficial for all women, whether they are experienced yogis or completely new to yoga. Birthlight has been a pioneer training provider for over 20 years and is accredited by the Yoga Alliance UK. COURSE CONTENT Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and childbirth The application of Birthlight Yoga and techniques in preparation for labour and birth Yogic breathing in pregnancy and childbirth Maintaining the alignment of the spine through pregnancy and after birth Using the pelvic ligaments and muscles Techniques for teaching relaxation Yoga and the psychosomatic dimensions of pregnancy Identifying and alleviating common symptoms of pregnancy Yoga after birth – muscle toning, posture and emotional well-being For more information and registration contact
You're never too YOUNG to start your yoga journey! Parents & toddlers will join a class that combines yoga with adventure. We bring a positive yoga experience to children by sparking their imagination; together we will pose like animals, roar like lions, dance & craft until we unleash our creativity. It's through this magic that we bring movement, calm and focus to your little one. Parents & Caregivers get ready to laugh, get ready to bond and let's get ready to grow fit kids together! Toddler yoga is child-centred and offered in English, class duration 45 minutes With Teacher Susan Mandal, kidsyoga teacher Please email Katia at if you are interested in joining.
Tauche ein in ein einzigartiges Bewegungserlebnis und geniesse den Flow aus Atem, Bewegung und Rhythmus. Beginnend mit der Atmung in der Stille vertiefen wir unsere Wahrnehmung und reisen mit fliessendn Yogaübungen und rhythmischen, zirkulären Bewegungen aus dem Afrikanischen Tanz durch den Körper. Als Ohrenschmaus gibt’s teilweise live Musik dazu. Es geht uns darum Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang zu bringen und die Freude am Tanz gemeinsam zu zelebrieren. Mit Samuel Adjei Sowah, Professioneller Tänzer, Tanzpädagoge und Musiker und Iris Tamara Sowah, Tänzerin, Tanz- & Kunsttherapeutin, Yogalehrerin Dive into a unique movement experience and enjoy the flow of breath, movement and rhythm. Starting with the breath in stillness, we deepen our awareness and travel with flowing yoga movements, rhythmical circular moves from African dance through the body. As a catcher there will be some live music as accompaniment. Our intention is to bring the body, mind and soul in harmony and to celebrate the joy of dancing and moving together. With Samuel Adjei Sowah, professional dancer, dance teacher and musician and Iris Tamar Sowah, dancer, dance and art therapist, yoga teacher
Many thanks to Ieva Wildlovebeamer for inspiring us at Birthlight Zürich with this first 3-day intensive Rainbow Kids Yoga training! 28 participants attended the training and many families joined us with their kids. It was amazing to see how well you kept the group together and how managed to keep all the kids happy... It was loud, it was fun with all the dancing and playing and the OMs still resonate! Trainees don't forget to join the Rainbow Kids Zürich Group on Facebook if you have not already! 🤩
New Pilates Mat classes at Birthlight on Mondays from 19:15-20:15 and Saturdays from 11:30-12:30 with our lovely teacher Claudia Voegelin The class is for everyone who wants to do an intensive Mat Pilates Workout Just register via our online timetable
We have started a new class for mums and crawlers on Wednesdays from 15:15-16:15 With Lucie Pasquier It is interactive class. We practice yoga with the mums but also integrate the babies into class whenever needed. Happy Mums, Happy Babies. That is always our philosophy in our Birthlight Classes. It is a drop-in class. Sign up via our timetable on our website and just show up! We look forward to welcoming you! Lol, Katia
You’re never too YOUNG to start your yoga journey! Parents & toddlers will join a class that combines yoga with adventure. We bring a positive yoga experience to children by sparking their imagination; together we will pose like animals, roar like lions, dance & craft until we unleash our creativity. It’s through this magic that we bring movement, calm and focus to your little one. Parents & Caregivers get ready to laugh, get ready to bond and let’s get ready to grow fit kids together! Toddler yoga is child-centred and offered in English, class duration 45 minutes Course Blocks Tuesdays or Fridays from 11:00 - 11:45 25.- trial Class 150.- course blocks of 6 lessons
New Birthlight Postnatal Class without Baby on Thursday evenings from 19:30-20:30 with Tania Sturzenegger, Kundalini Flow Yoga teacher, specialised in Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga starting 5th October 2017! Please register via our website Points of focus Pelvic Floor Belly Muscles