D4design Studios
Welcome to D4design Studios on Facebook! http://www.d4designstudios.ch Welcome to D4design Studios on Facebook! http://www.d4designstudios.ch
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facebook.comWe wish you happy holidays – full of laughter and joy with plenty of relaxation around the warm, crackling fire. May this New Year ahead bring you exciting new plans for the future, success, happiness and good health. NOTE: Our office will be closed from: December 22nd – Jan 8th 2018 Support requests must be submitted through your Account Center or sent via E-mail to support[at]d4designstudios[dot]com – Requests will be answered in the order they were received, our support might run on a bit slower speed. We would like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
The importance of SSL in the year 2017 #ssl #google #sucuri #webdesign
We're so excited that the Four Seasons Resort Dubai has just released one of the videos we've produced for them🙌🏼🌴! We hope you L I K E it as much as we do 😄 #FSDubai #FourSeasons #Dubai #travel #paradise #goodmorning #videoproduction #luxurytravellist #video #votd #tuesday
See our web design process simply explained in our NEW company video 😄 #webdesign #explainervideo #explainer #film
We just finished a really great #logo for Facial Fitness Switzerland. Thanks for the fantastic team work on this project! 😄 #logodesign #branding
Wow! Thanks so much Ecwid for this great write-up about our company 😄 #ecommerce #webdesign
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We wish you happy holidays - full of laughter and joy with plenty of relaxation around the warm, crackling fire. May this New Year ahead bring you exciting new plans for the future, success, happiness and good health 🎅🎄🎁 NOTE: Our office will be closed from: December 23rd - Jan 9th 2017 All projects currently in development will be paused during this time. Support requests must be submitted through your D4design Account Center or sent via E-mail to support@d4designstudios.com - requests will be answered in the order they were received, our support might run on a bit slower speed. We would like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
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Google has just announced that January 2017 would mark a “turning point” forcing all website owners to upgrade their website to the HTTPS standard. See how this change will affect your site in our latest blog post: https://d4.design/2h64Cme #google #seo #webdesign
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Just completed this gorgeous website for the Hyatt Regency ☺️ https://www.thecircleconventioncentre.ch/
How exciting our new website is nominated by Awwwards - Please, please support us by voting ^_^ http://www.awwwards.com/sites/d4design-studios #awwwards #webdesign
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After almost one year in production. We are extremely excited to have finally finished our new website: https://www.d4designstudios.com/ From the first drafts till the final lines of code – the site has been completely re-designed and re-coded from the ground up. A few of our goals regarding the new website were: to make it smarter, flatter, friendlier and just plain more fun to use. We hope you enjoy the new look as much as we do ^_^ #webdesign #design #webagency #webdesigner
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We just finished our work on http://www.myfuntone.com a new #fitness on-demand platform from #Switzerland. Thanks to Myfuntone for the awesome teamwork!! :D