Departement Architektur, ETH Zürich
ETH Zürich
Departement Architektur
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich
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facebook.comHousing Cairo announced the winner of National Urban Design 2017 Book Award in London : Ruby Press
Housing Cairo, edited by Marc Angelil and Charlotte Malterre Barthes, in collaboration with Something Fantastic and Cluster, is the winner in the book category of the National Urban Design Awards 2017.
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tonight @ d-arch Departementsvortrag: Toni GIRONÈS (Barcelona)
Landscape Architecture ETH, Chair Christophe Girot
Parity Talks II
Symposium und Diskussionsanlass zu Fragen der Gender-Parity im Kontext der Ausbildung und des Berufs von Architektinnen und Architekten sowie Planerinnen und Planern. Symposium and discussion forum surrounding the issue of gender parity within the architectural and planning disciplines. Parity Group (D-ARCH, ETH Zurich) +++ PROGRAM 09:00 Welcome by the Parity Group 09:15 “Crafting Parity from the Grassroots” – Parity Group, D-ARCH: 9 Points for Parity – Parlour: Women, Equity, Architecture: Justine Clark (Skype) – KTH Stockholm: Malin Åberg Wennerholm – EPFL Gender Equality Working Group: Lucia Baldi Discussion moderated by Prof. Fabio Gramazio and Laila Seewang 10:45 Coffee Break 11:15 “Institutional Strategies for Gender Parity” – Stadt Zürich/DIB: Susanne Eberle – D-BAUG/ETHZ: Prof. Thomas Vogel – NCCR/DFAB: Tanja Coray Discussion moderated by Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung and Daniela Ortiz dos Santos 12:30 Lunch Break 14:00 Statement by Prof. Dr. Sarah Springman, Rector ETH Zurich 14:30 Workshop “Tool-Making”: Roundtables introduced by the Parity Group – Table 1: Institutional Structures, Gender Monitoring and Feedback points 1& 2 moderated by Torsten Lange/Emily Eliza Scott – Table 2: Increasing Women’s Visibility, Overcoming Lack of Female Role Models points 3, 4 & 7 moderated by Harald R. Stühlinger/Sarah Nichols – Table 3: Career Development and Mentoring (Work and Family), points 6 & 9 moderated by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes/Scott Lloyd – Table 4: Raising Awareness and Building Knowledge on Women, Gender and Architecture points 5 & 8 moderated by Eliana Perotti/Jørg Himmelreich 16:00 Coffee Break 16:30 FAAC Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative, hosted by Bing Yang and Luka Travas 17:00 Final discussion “How to implement concrete measures at D-ARCH?“ 18:00 Evening Lecture “Understanding discrimination and affecting change in architecture“ by Martha Thorne, Director of the Pritzker Prize, Dean of IE School of Architecture Madrid HIL Auditorium E3 19:30 Apéro +++ Following last year’s inaugural Parity Talks symposium “Let’s talk about it”, which sought to open/establish the debate about gender parity within the Department of Architecture at ETH and, beyond that, in the discipline of architecture and planning in Switzerland, this second symposium focuses on concrete strategies and working tools for greater parity – both within and without the academic institution. Building on the “9 Points for Parity”, the main outcome of last year’s symposium, in this event we enter in conversation with other Swiss institutions from the disciplinary fields of architecture, planning, and design about what institutional practices they have adopted to improve gender parity. Moreover, we want to hear from fellow international grassroots initiatives within and outside of academia, which effective tools they have developed to tackle persistent gender inequalities. The goal is to define how to implement change towards parity at the D-ARCH and in the discipline at large.
‹trans› magazine
talks@swissnex: Urban innovation will come from Latin America | swissnex Brazil
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D-ARCH Lectures (Spring 2017) Der Wert des Materials / The Value of Materials Toni Gironès (7.3.2017) Philipp Esch (28.3.2017) Martin und Elisabeth Boesch (11.4.2017) Wang Shu (9.5.2017) «Was ist mehr wert, ein kilo stein oder ein kilo gold? Die frage ist wohl lächerlich. Aber nur für den kaufmann. Der künstler wird antworten: Für mich sind alle materialien gleich wertvoll», schreibt Adolf Loos in seinem Text «Die Baumaterialien». Noch direkter und unverblümter spricht Frank Lloyd Wright in einem Vortrag: «Wissen Sie, meine Herrschaften, was ein Ziegelstein ist? Er ist eine Bagatelle, er kostet 11 Cents, er ist ein wertloses banales Ding, das aber eine besondere Eigenschaft hat. Geben Sie mir diesen Ziegelstein und er wird sofort umgewandelt in den Wert seines Gewichtes in Gold.» Wie bemisst sich der Wert eines Materials für den Architekten? Nach welchen Kriterien wählt er den Stoff für seine Bauten? Was zählt mehr: die Kostbarkeit eines Materials oder der Aufwand für seine Bearbeitung? Wie billig oder wie edel soll ein Baustoff sein? Macht eine solche Unterscheidung überhaupt Sinn? Ob knappe Ressourcen oder ein wertvoller Baubestand die Ausgangslage bestimmen, die fünf Gastreferenten in der Reihe der Departementsvorträge haben mit ihren Arbeiten eine je eigene Antwort auf diese Fragen gefunden. Sie alle besitzen die Gabe des Alchemisten und verstehen es unscheinbare Materialien erfinderisch und kenntnisreich in architektonische Kostbarkeiten zu verwandeln. Die Vortragsreihe blickt sowohl geografisch als auch inhaltlich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf das Thema und bietet Gelegenheit für Einblicke ins Denken und Schaffen von Toni Gironès, Philipp Esch, Martin und Elisabeth Boesch sowie Wang Shu. *** “What is worth more, a kilogram of stone or a kilogram of gold? The question is doubtless ridiculous. But only to a merchant. The artist would reply: to me all materials are equally precious.” Thus Adolf Loos in his essay “Building Materials”. Frank Lloyd Wright, in one of his lectures, was even more explicit and forthright: “Ladies and gentlemen, do you know what a brick is? It’s trivial and costs 11 cents; it’s common and valueless but possesses a peculiar characteristic. Give me this brick and it will be worth its weight in gold.” How can the worth of a material to the architect be measured? What are the criteria by which architects select the materials for their buildings? What counts more: the costliness of a material or the expenditure represented in its workmanship. How low-end or how high-end should a building material be? Does such a distinction have any significance at all? Whether the point of departure is decided by limited resources or the treasured status of an existing building, each of the five guest speakers in the department’s lecture series have found their distinctive answers to these questions. They all possess the gift of the alchemist and know how to ingeniously and intelligently transmute inconspicuous materials into precious architectural objects. The lecture series examines the topic from different perspectives and provides insights into thinking and the work of Toni Gironès, Philipp Esch, Martin und Elisabeth Boesch, and Wang Shu.
Zwei Medaillen fürs Schweizer Team
An der Universiade in Almaty (Kasachstan) hat Miriam Wuffli, Studentin der Architektur an der ETH Zürich, eine Silbermedaille für die Schweiz gewonnen. Wir gratulieren!
talks@swissnex_The Urbanization of Everything
The first talks@swissnex of 2017 will host Hubert Klumpner, ETH Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, and Co-Founder of the Urban-Think Tank (U-TT). In his talk, Hubert Klumpner will discuss the case of Urban-Think Tank’s first Brazilian project – winner of the Holcim Gold Latin America Award – the culture-factory Grotão, a vertical dance and music school located in Paraisópolis, São Paulo. February 03, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm (UTC-02:00)
Pavilion of Reflections / Studio Tom Emerson
PAVILLON OF REFLECTIONS (Studio Tom Emerson / ETH Zürich) – nominated "Building of the Year 2017" in category "Best Applied Products". VOTE until February 6th, 9:00AM EST
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Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing (MAS UPM/ETH in Collective Housing) Die Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) der Polytechnischen Universität Madrid (UPM) und das Departement Architektur (D-ARCH) der ETH Zürich bieten gemeinsam den international besetzten und praxisorientierten „Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing“ an. Das exzellente Programm mit Schwerpunkt Wohnungsbau, Stadt und Energie richtet sich an Architektinnen und Architekten, die bereits über einen Masterabschluss verfügen und sich mit vertieftem Fachwissen im Wohnungsbau einen Wettbewerbsvorteil in ihrer praktischen Tätigkeit aneignen möchten. The Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich jointly offer the “Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing”. The postgraduate professional program of advanced architecture design is focused on housing, city and energy studies. Architects from all nations are trained in city dwelling specialties and have demonstrated a high professional level making important contributions in research projects, winning competitions or taking leadership roles in the most relevant architecture firms.
ETH Zürich, Global