Mysore Zürich
Project dedicated to the traditional practice of Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore style, as taught in India by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois. Mysore Zurich is a project dedicated to sharing the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method. It offers a space for a daily Mysore style practice (6 days a week). We aim to create a community of people who share the love for this practice.
About Laura Griskeviciute:
Laura discovered Ashtanga Yoga in 2009 with Vera Simões and Manuel Ferreira in Ashtanga Cascais Yoga Shala, Portugal. Since that moment she practices yoga daily. She started assisting her teacher Vera Simões in 2013 and later started teaching in the same school.
She studied with several teachers that have been authorized and certified by the KPJAYI: Peter Sanson, Hamish Hendry, Petri Raisanen, Mark Robberds, Tim Feldman.
She has travelled to India for the last two years to study with R. Sharath Jois, at the Sri K Pathabi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute (KPJAYI) in Mysore and continues her studies there.
Laura teaches in the traditional style, as it’s been taught to her by her teachers. She is grateful to her long term teacher Vera Simões, authorized level 2 by KPJAYI with whom she studied daily for 8 years in Portugal and who gradually showed her the way into this ancient and devotional tradition as well as the transformative aspects of Ashtanga Yoga which practiced daily and with dedication, not only brings physical benefits, but can become a true internal experience.
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facebook.comDear students: I am going back to Mysore to practice with my dear teacher and Guru Sharath Jois for two months (December and January). We will have Sergio fully supporting our Mysore program until I'm back. I hope you will enjoy practicing with him.
Trust the teacher that is there for you. There is a tendency to think that the more teachers you go to, the more knowledge comes, but most knowledge comes through practice when you stay. My teacher was present through my ups and downs. 8 years of practice with one teacher every day, in the beautiful community that she created - @ashtangacascais was like a second home. Many stages of life and practice spent there and she was always present - to keep me going and believing, inspiring me to stay present too. Even though I developed a strong connection with the practice itself from the beginning, my path would have not been the same without her. Yoga Tradition is based on a teacher-student relation and I cannot imagine it in any other way. I deeply respect, admire and love my teacher. Photo taken in one of my trips to Mysore that I shared with Vera Simoes @verinhasimoes 💓at the Source 😍 a very special moment ✨✨ . . #ashtangayoga #student #teacher #lifelongbeautifulpath #trustyourteacher #loveyourcommunity #kpjayi #practiceeveryday #practiceandalliscoming #mysoremagic #theteacherthatisthereforyou❤️
We are inspiration to each other ♥️ Come tomorrow Friday to start the weekend with Ashtanga. #mysorezurich #mysorestyle #ashtangayoga #yogaeveryday #yogainzurich #ilovezurich #itwillchangeyourlife #inspiringeachother #thatshowwestarttheday
Tomorrow take rest. Some insights for this New Moon: remember we don't practice with the purpose of making progress in the sequence of asana, neither to perform or proove any physical ability to anyone, neither for a personal achievement. That is not yoga. If you can do a more difficult looking pose does not make your practice better or more meaningful. Otherwise it would be called circus, acrobatics or fitness show. We have each others company in this process which is a blessing, but each one is doing their own work with their Self, each one is different and your practice is good as it is from the beginning if it is done properly. We want to be healthy in the body and mind. Only then one can find the calmness, feel more stable, more in harmony with thoughts and actions, fully present. We don't practice only when everything is successful in life neither only when we suffer. We bring stability into our life through this practice of breathing so we can deal with more ease with our daily duties and responsibilities, unexpected or expected changes, take decisions, be courageous to follow dreams. With more clarity and a more real perception comes the freedom from obligations and expectations as well as appreciation of the present moment. We become happy with what we have. Enjoy the amazing Sunny days this week and a little longer sleep tommorrow 😉See you on Friday! 🤗♥️ #Moondaytomorrow #newmoon #takerestonmoondays #patanjaliyoga #mysorezurich #ashtangayoga #ashtangayogaisnotfitness #yogainzurich #zurich #ilovezurich
New place to leave your Mat with more space now 👏 Please take your mat home when you make a break for more than two weeks. Here you will also find our Mysore cotton rugs, ecoyoga jute mats, mat bags from India and few other things we have available for sale. Thank you @jonashegnauer for this awesome creation ♥️ #mysorezurich #ashtangayogainzurich #mysorestyleinzurich
What if you have pain and you don't feel like practicing because you cannot do "everything" that you used to do anymore? If you are able to listen to your body when it gives you signs and if you are able to back off before an injury occurs, if you practice ahimsa (non-violence and love) to yourself and do a modified practice without attachment to what you used to do - you are able to let go of your ego and here is when the spiritual practice begins. Pain might change your yoga practice deep from inside and may be a great opportunity for life learning and discovery. If you can do a modified practice - you are practicing yoga and become free of linking your value to achievements. Practicing this way one can feel fulfilled and allow space for healing. Real changes can then happen within you. . . . #yourvalueisnotlinkedtoyourachievements #mysorestyle #ashtangayoga #mysorezurich #practiceeveryday #letgoofyourego #yoga24hours #practiceandalliscoming #yogainzurich #ahimsa #santosha #meltswim 📷by @mirtayogaphotography
Moonday in Zürich: sunshine, blue sky and shiny Limmat ✨✨see you tomorrow for practice 💙 #moondays #restonmoondays #mysorezurich #yogainzurich #ashtangayoga #mysorestyle #nopracticeonmoondays #fullmoondayoff
Our dear Guru and teacher Sharath about the importance of understanding the yoga method, getting to know the system, about how we should practice and the way we should learn this system. He talks here about yoga as a holistic method, as a lifestyle and not just stretching or bending the body as its often misunderstood. Worth reading.
#rons24houryogaday #mysorezurich #7amclass #IntroductiontoAshtangayoga
Moving to the synchronized sound of breathing. First of all I was impressed that so many people made it to the 7:00 AM class, it was the fullest of all 3 sessions. Most of them never had an Ashtanga class before, but the sound in the room was just beautiful and so free. It warmed up not only the room but also my heart. I love the people of Zürich ❤️They love Yoga. Feeling grateful for the chance to share 🙏. #mysorezurich #rons24houryogaday #yogainzurich #IntroductiontoAshtangayogaforbeginners #ashtangayogainzurich #itcanhappenfromthebeginning
Tomorrow Saturday 9th of September we are sharing a bit of Ashtanga with the people of Zürich. Another open door day, but this time it's Rons-24hour-yoga-day. We are opened in the morning for two classes: 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM: Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners with lots of breathing and movement to start your day full of energy and good mood. Looking forwards! #yogainzurich #mysorezurich #rons24houryogaday #ilovezurich #ashtangainzurich
Dear students! This Sunday the led class is cancelled as we'll use the studio on Saturday for Rons24-Hour-Yoga-Day. Come Thursday and Friday! #rons24houryogaday #mysorezurich #yogainzurich