Performance Therapy Azmuth
High Performance - Therapy Azmuth ist ein Center für Sport, Personal Training und orthopädische Therapie für jung und alt.
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facebook.comCombination of 2 or more exorcise in one helps improving functional strength and fitness. Gorilla rows with a kettlebel snatch and a hop is great form of improving hip mobility back strength leg and upper body strength. #performancetherapyazmuth #speed #power #strength #conditioning #exerciserehabilitation #agility #health #wellness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth #zurichsports #football #soccer #rugby #athletics #cricket #tennis #handball #volleyball #ski #cycling #swimming #triathlon #badminton #nfl #basketball #zurichaltstetten
Improving eccentric load on the muscles for improved polymetric training, reaction and strength. Simple exercise is depth jumps our drop jumps. Dependant on weight age and experience the bench height will vary. Here is a 70cm bench. Can begin from 30cm our even lower if for rehabilitation purposes. #performancetherapyazmuth #speed #power #strength #conditioning #exerciserehabilitation #agility #health #wellness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth #zurichsports #football #soccer #rugby #athletics #cricket #tennis #handball #volleyball #ski #cycling #swimming #triathlon #badminton #nfl🏈 #baseball #basketball #zurichaltstetten #zurichstadt
Plyometric training is great to improve explosive power, helping in increase speed, agility and reaction. Doing a variation of jumps helps these increases as well as adding resistance to the jumps. #performancetherapyazmuth #trainingmaskeurope #trainingmask #speed #power #strength #conditioning #exerciserehabilitation #agility #health #wellness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth #zurichsports #football #soccer #rugby #athletics #cricket #tennis #handball #volleyball #ski #cycling #swimming #triathlon #badminton #nfl🏈 #baseball #basketball #zurichaltstetten #zurichstadt
Variations in exercise can prevent boredom but also increase intensities of your training. The regular snatch can be completed upright like the video, mid shin our from the floor and variations of it can be completed as like in the video a snatch with hops. #performancetherapyazmuth #speed #power #strength #conditioning #exerciserehabilitation #agility #health #wellness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth #zurichsports #football #soccer #rugby #athletics #cricket #tennis #handball #volleyball #ski #cycling #swimming #triathlon #badminton #nfl🏈 #baseball #basketball #zurichaltstetten #zurichstadt
Bootcamp. Saturday 11am start. Come join our hard work and fun, well fun for our trainer😀 #performancetherapyazmuth #speed #power #strength #conditioning #exerciserehabilitation #agility #health #wellness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth #zurichsports #football #soccer #rugby #athletics #cricket #tennis #handball #volleyball #ski #cycling #swimming #triathlon #badminton #nfl🏈 #baseball #basketball #zurichaltstetten #zurichstadt
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Posture is an integral part not only in training but daily life. A "good back" while training can help improve the spine and hip mobility as well as strengthen the abdomen to a certain extent. Keep pulling those shoulders back, shoulder blades together, push out the chest, get the lower back in neutral and tighten the abdomen. It will also increase the intensity of your exercises ring to maintain this form. #performancetherapyazmuth #strength #conditioning #fitness #health #wellness #speed #power #exerciserehabilitation #football #tennis #swimming #ski #handball #basketball #volleyball #cricket #athletics #sprinting #soccer #badminton #rowing #allsport #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth
Performing different exercises in one training session is a great way in improving recovery as well heart function. The development of lactic acid and the shuttling and circulation of it is good for heart function and recovery. By training the whole body and having a routine in which you super set these exercises with rest and work rate designed so you can improve recovery and performance will set you aside from others who exercise and train only one group of muscles at a time. Don't be hesitant in designing or accepting a super setting program. It can improve your lifestyle.
Supersetting a group of exercises training different components are important in recovery as well as improving ability. Resisted agility, leg strength, endurance and upper body strength in one session can help many facets of training. #performancetherapyazmuth #trainingmask #strength #conditioning #fitness #health #wellness #speed #power #exerciserehabilitation #football #tennis #swimming #ski #handball #basketball #volleyball #cricket #athletics #sprinting #soccer #badminton #rowing #allsport #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth
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Basic high pull exercise. Bar remains close to your body driving with hips and legs. Different variations from benches and different heights can be included. Also part of the movement of clean and snatching. #performancetherapyazmuth #strength #conditioning #fitness #health #wellness #speed #power #exerciserehabilitation #football #tennis #swimming #ski #handball #basketball #volleyball #cricket #athletics #sprinting #soccer #badminton #rowing #allsport #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichfitness #zurichhealth
Supersetting group of exercises for the hip complex is a great way to improve the strength of legs glutes and hips. Squats, resisted t-drill runs and resisted scissor leg raises. #performancetherapyazmuth #strength #conditioning #fitness #health #wellness #speed #power #exerciserehabilitation #football #tennis #swimming #ski #handball #basketball #volleyball #cricket #athletics #sprinting #soccer #badminton #rowing #allsport
Boot camp Saturday 11am start, join us if you want results and to have some fun. Your first eating plan is free. Address in our bio. #performancetherapyazmuth #strength #conditioning #fitness #health #wellness #speed #power #exerciserehabilitation #football #tennis #swimming #ski #handball #basketball #volleyball #cricket #athletics #sprinting #soccer #badminton #rowing #allsport #zurichfitness #zurich🇨🇭 #zurichhealth
Progression - one of the most important factors in improving sport performance and general health. Being able to be honest with ones self in where the abilities begin is highly important. Once these have been established then goal setting al and the progression in achieving those goals can be designed. This is not only important to and individual but as more important to practitioner trainer therapist etc. So look to be honest and after every phase or cycle of training therapy or wellness look to monitor the improvements you have made to allow yourself to design a method of progression or allow your trainer to help you do this.