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Chaps' Print2Go

Meierwiesenstrasse 62, Zürich, Switzerland
Printing Service



Quality prints, scans and desirable service for a reasonable price  Printing is a process for reproducing text and images. We at Chaps' Print2Go have mastered this particular element to perfection, and offers the best costumer services possible. Do you have something to print or scan and are your nearest printer at the ETH or UZH. Do not worry! Chaps' Print2Go offers better quality and services, than you can get at the ETH or UZH. We even offer color printing.

You are probably thinking, What, this can't be true? But we can assure you, it's all true! We don't mess around! So stop worrying and start printing!  


Hello guys and girls, Chap'sprint2go will be present at the non official "Welcome meeting" of MWS62 tonight. Do not hesitate to ask more information about our printing services... Cheers ! We love you

Merry Christmas to our wonderful students from MWS62 and all the fans around the world. Love you

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Christmas Dinner tonight at MWS62!

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As promised, we offer you something and here we go !! With the help of the cleaning ladies, we could have a christmas tree. Woko's Office may give us some money to buy some decorations, but anyone can decorate the tree. NO CANDLE PLEASE !!. Plus, Chap'sprint2go suggest to stick some pictures of you on the wall. It would be nice if every single person appears on the wall. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL ANYTHING !!!!! Best regards and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. We Love You... But clean the kitchen.

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Get ready MWS62... Something will happen on Thursday 1.12.2016....shhht We love you, but not when you don't clean the kitchen...

Photos from Chaps' Print2Go's post

As promised : Chaps'Print2go offered top swiss quality to the World Greatest Beer Pong Tournament of MWS62

Photos from Chaps' Print2Go's post

Chaps'Print2go is pleased to be the main sponsor of the World Greatest Beer Pong Tournament in MWS62 tonight !! Based on a strong partnership with Justus M. Müller-Goebel (Official organisator), we will provide you the best equipment to become (maybe) the first Beer Pong Champions of MWS62 ! See you tonight around the table !

!! New services : Free use of the FATBOY (Big pillow) during the printing. Nespresso coffee available for a reasonable price. Sparkling water too.

Chaps' Print2Go's cover photo

Chaps' Print2Go's cover photo

Chaps' Print2Go

Chaps' Print2Go


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