Zürichi Piano Express
Internationale Klaviertage am Zürichberg
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The Piano Express next week (August 24th-28th) is a dedication to Richi (every musician in Zurich will know Richi, Mr. Irniger, our most amazing supporter) - therefore it is callled Zürichi Piano Express! Some of the best pianists I know are coming to play in Zürich - Richi makes it possible, and I reallly reallly do hope you will not miss the concerts by Giulio Biddau, Gintaras Janusevicius , Olga Paliy and Slawomir Wilk ! Olga Paliy will also give a fascinating lecture and we shall try a new form of a concert on Saturday the 27th - Yoga Concert with Liisa Tamminen . PLEASE spread this information! PLEASE LIKE the Zürichi Piano Express Page! And be with us next week at the Villa Irniger - entry is with Kollekte, no tickets. Let's proof that we can make true music without modern ways of marketing arts - and be successful in our dreams!
Worthing Symphony Orchestra John Gibbons / Arta Arnicane Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries Ravel, Piano Concerto in G William Alwyn, Piano Concerto No. 1 Mussorsky, Pictures at an Exhibition
Photos from Zürichi Piano Express's post
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to arta.arnicane@yahoo.com
Welcome to the first Zürichi Piano Express! Five days of concerts, lessons, music, fun and wonderful company at a fabulous Villa on Zürichberg – the most beautiful area in Zurich!!!