Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA
The Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA represents the Swiss Game industry, the companies and its professionals, organizes the community and advocates games in politics. The Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA represents the Swiss Game industry, the companies and its professionals, organizes the community and advocates games in politics.
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facebook.comGSGS´17 – Gamification & Serious Games Symposium 2017 – June 30 & July 1, 2017 / Neuchâtel
GSGS´17: inter-professional opportunity for Swiss industry --- --- This event has the unique opportunity to bring multiple applied universities, pure academic and pure industrial worlds from all over Switzerland together on a common high potential ground: serious games and gamification. The symposium public will mainly be composed of professionals, hobbyists, and students. TOPICS OF INTEREST Serious games, gameful design, game oriented simulation, and gamification concepts or software applied to: - Health - Education - Society - Politics - Training - Economy - Edu-market & Advertising - Business expertise FEES All speakers of accepted papers and/or demo will receive a free pass to all GSGS´17 sessions and NIFFF extended manifestation. SUBMISSION DETAILS (see - Short paper — a ten minutes presentation of an innovative project/idea/concept within dedicated sessions; - Demo & poster — demonstration of a prototype/project/game within the exhibition room. IMPORTANT DATES - Feb 17, 2017: short paper abstract or demo & poster short description and novelties submission deadline - March 17, 2017: notification to authors - April 14, 2017: short paper & posters deadline - June 30 & July 1, 2017: GSGS´17 Much more infos are available @
Timeline Photos
«it's getting creative in here» — mingle with other fellow game designers in the SGDA Atelier. Members can stay for free one day a week, or pay a monthly fee for a guaranteed seat:
Deru Game
Go follow Swiss Game Awards double winner Deru (f.k.a. Schlicht)
The SGDA Swiss Game Awards and Ludicious Awards have been announced. Congrats to: - Deru, SGDA Audience Choice Awards - Deru, SGDA Swiss Game Awards 2017 - Noctural Hunt, Ludicious Outstanding Talent Award - Reigns, Ludicious Award 2017
We are still looking for helpers for the Ludicious - Zürich Game Festival! Helpers will get a conference pass and the opportunity to meet a lot of great people from the game industry. Sign up by shooting us an e-mail at
Infoveranstaltung zum Film- und Medienförderungsgesetz
Der Film im Spiel: Interactive Storytelling made in Zurich
Längst bewegen sich die beiden Medien Film und Game aufeinander zu und inspirieren sich gegenseitig. Wie beim Film spielt auch bei Games das Geschichtenerzählen eine zentrale Rolle. Welche Geschichten erzählen Zürcher Spielentwicklerinnen, und wie arbeiten sie mit Filmschaffenden zusammen? Was geschieht bei einer Zuschauerin und was bei einem Spieler, wenn sie dazu aufgefordert werden, in die Handlung einzugreifen? Was bedeutet es für eine Filmproduktion, mit Gameentwicklern zusammenzuarbeiten? In Zusammenarbeit mit Zürich Für den Film setzen wir in diesem Filmtalk mit dem Titel Der Film im Spiel: Interactive Storytelling made in Zurich den Fokus auf innovative Werke aus Schweizer Produktion und aktuelle Technologien wie Virtual Reality. Die Gäste des Filmtalks dürfen sich auf folgende Sprecher freuen, die das Thema aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchten werden: Yoav „Yogi“ Parish: Filmschaffender und Autor, arbeitet zur Zeit an „Digital Mercenaries„, ein Mockumentary zwischen Realität und Fiktion. Mit ihm kommt auch Noah Bohnert, seines Zeichens Produzent. Philipp Läubli: Lead Developer und Partner bei Dreipol. Das Zürcher Unternehmen hat die Engine entwickelt, die im Film „LateShift“ im Hintergrund die narrativen Fäden zieht. Playables: Animationsfilmer Michael Frei und Game Designer Mario von Rickenbach sind zusammen Playables. Die beiden haben mit „Plug & Play“ ein mehrfach preisgekröntes Game-Animationsfilm-Hybrid geschaffen. Mit „Kids“ arbeiten sie am nächsten Streich.
Timeline Photos
Entries for the Junior Swiss Game Award are now open. Please help us spread the word to reach all the young talents who craft, invent and design their own games: People who enter must be Swiss and 21 or younger. The submission deadline is Monday, October 31 2016.
Photos from Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA's post
Swiss Games rocked E-Games! We had a great time! A big thank you to our exhibitors: Castle Hustle Decodoku: Gaming for Science Frechmax OrcWar Nifty Oniri Islands Modsork And our sponsors: Samsung Schweiz Suisse Toy - der grösste Spiele-Event der Schweiz
Ludicious | Game submission
Do not forget to submit your game to the SGDA Swiss Game Award and the Ludicious - Zürich Game Festival competition. The deadline is this Sunday, October 2nd! We are looking forward to many interesting, innovative, crazy, and generally great entries! #SwissGames
Jobs in the Swiss game developers industry – Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA
We are happy to announce our job portal on the SGDA website! Currently 10 (!) jobs are listed and waiting to be filled. This perfectly underlines the flourishing Swiss game developers industry. As Switzerland's trade association for games it is the next logic step to open up a dedicated and centralised area for work possibilities in Switzerland. SGDA members can post new jobs anytime through their member access. Also, all postings will be additionally added to our newsletter to secure maximum reach. A big thanks to Blindflug Studios, Gbanga, Playables, Chris Solarski Author & Game Designer and TRAENTWORKS to contribute to the industry by opening work possibilities. Go #SwissGames !