Adrian Hyde Photography
A premier photographer based in Zurich. Welcome to Adrian Hyde Photography business page. For more info visit my website Welcome to Adrian Hyde Photography business page.My name is Adrian Hyde.I am a premier photographer based in Zurich, Altstetten and a member of The Society's (SWPP) . I have been living in Zurich since September 2012. I have been fortunate to have the chance of living my dream as a full time photographer and have photography experience in Wedding, Portrait and corporate shoots. I am at my happiest when working with children. When photographing children you never know what you will get from them. They are completely honest. Being part of capturing, watching their emotions and creating their personal history which will last a lifetime as seen through my eyes. The best yet is presenting my work to the parents and watching the joy and pride in their eyes. This is the greatest feeling of all. For more info visit my website
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Some photos from todays iPhone workshop
Thanks Loxley Colour
Loxley Colour are one of the sponsors at a photographic conference (PTO) Photographic Training Overseas. Click on the link below to find out a bit more about them. Loxley printed the 30 finalists' photos transported them out to Cuba and back. Then paid for the postage to each finalist's home so that the prints did not get damaged. I would like to thank them for the efforts that they made. Please check out Loxley Colour's website. Photo Training Overseas PTO Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. You can find me on my website on Facebook or Twitter Youtube
2017 01 02 Photo Munsinger
PICZ Photo Munsinger live edit in Lightroom. In this video I go through the complete edit of the photos using Lightroom. Photo Munsinger is a photo completion where 5 photographers come together to create a panel of 5 photos. The theme this year is "A Place To Stay". In our panel, the place to stay is in the book. The lady in the photo is so engrossed in the book she loses all concept of time and reads the book all day long. Thanks to Ruxi Bella Photography for the use of her studio and to the other photographers Hinnerk, Dawid Zyla, Orf, Paola Ambrosecchia. Finally, thanks go to our models for the day Illis Reits and Krisztina Buzsilk. I go through the importing of the photos and how I select the photos for the panel. If you would like to down load the final 5 to edit yourself, click on the link below Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. You can find me on my website on Facebook or Twitter Youtube
Demystifying flash sync speeds
In this video I demystify flash sync speeds. I explain the reasons why shutter speed limitations exist in the first place, possible ways around the limitations (HSS High Speed Sync) and the consequences of using HSS. Thanks for watching.
Adrian Hyde Photography
This weeks video one day early as I am going on a PTO conference tomorrow. Next video out in two weeks time.
Chris train live edit in lightroom
My ”On location with..... series" continues. This time I go through the editing of the photos I took with Chris and his trains. If you would like to see how I shot the photos and hear some interesting stories of how the train set became so big, then click on the link below. Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. You can find me on my website on Facebook or Twitter Youtube
Eyemouth edit using Snapseed
In this video I show my way of using Snapseed to edit the photos which I took in Eyemouth. For the first time I have provided some photos for you to download for free so that you can follow along with the video. Click on the link to download the photos If you liked this video check out this video #iPhonePhotography #AvdNiteCam #Snapseed #LongExposurePhotography #NoFilters #6minutesExposure. Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe. You can find me on my website on Facebook or Twitter Youtube
Timeline Photos
One of my favorites taken on the movement workshop which I help to lead. #rheinfall #iphonephotography #snapseed #coldwintersday #silkywaters #workshops #longexposurephotography
Photos from Adrian Hyde Photography's post
Thanks to everyone who came and braved the very cold weather today at our long exposure workshop.
Timeline Photos
Taken today on the Meetup with the iPhone.
Timeline Photos
This photo was taken in Scotland when I was filming for my long exposures video. Taken with the iPhone 6 and developed in Snapseed.
Photography workshop for busy parents
Come and join in the fun. Ruxi Balea and I are running a workshop to help you take better photos. To reserve your place click on the link below and register. I will look forward to seeing you there.