Just a small kitchen at home to cook Thai for my Swiss family and my lovely Swiss friends. Original Thai taste with good ingredient at Thaikitchenbyme. Thaikitchenbyme is Thai delivery dinner box with made fresh, with quality product we choose are chicken, beef, egg only from Switzerland and vegetable of season, Thai Jasmine rice. You can find out new menu by us with party service or catering made by order (from picture album on homepage ), We cook by love with inspiration from our friends we invite for Thai dinner at we are home. They love we are food and wish we will have a restaurant. We have big support for start . Please try and support us also, then you will know ''What it exactly means Thai food'' with new experience.
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Enjoy eating and enjoy cooking also ❤❤🍽🍽
Everyday are special day, good food good life ❤ because life it too short to eat bad 🎉🎉🍽🍽
Haben wir Abendessen jeden Tag mit gute Freunden in @Thaikitchenbyme 🍽🍴🍚 Gutes Essen sind immer gut mit gute Freunden 💃🏻🥒🍋🍷👯♂️👯Kodchanalee Probst Eric Probst
Schweiz Kalbfleisch สเต๊กเนื้อลูกวัว จากสวิสเซอร์แลนด์ mit Jim Jeaw sauce ( Sour and spicy North - Eastern of Thailand style ) all meat product from @Thaikitchenbyme is Swiss product, Kodchanalee Probst lunch 🍽🍴🥄🥒🍋🍚🐂
We love Thai food ❤❤
Photos from Thaikitchenbyme's post
Enjoy your meal 🍽🍴🍷
Photos from Thaikitchenbyme's post
En guete 🍴🍽
Photos from Thaikitchenbyme's post
Fresh chilli in olive oil by Thaikitchenbyme 🍴🍽 very very spicy ☺️😊😳
Photos from Thaikitchenbyme's post
Thaikitchenbyme dinner 🍴🍽
Photos from Thaikitchenbyme's post
Time for Thai lunch 🍀🍀