Hypnotherapist & Holistic Practitoner
Hello I am providing my services as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Practitioner.
I am offering a wide selection of services. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and an Holistic Practitioner.
I am able to offer my services Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, EFT,Healing, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage.
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facebook.comYour mind is everything. Your mind set you create. You change. You develop. You progress 🎉🎉🎉🎉
145 Ways how Hypnotherapy can help these ailments. Abandonment Addictions Age Regression Aggression Agoraphobia Anesthesia Anger Anxiety Assertiveness Assist Healing Attitude Adjustment Bed Wetting Biofeedback Breathing Career Success Change Habits Child Birth Chronic Pain Communication Concentration Controlling Cramps Cravings Creativity Death or Loss Discouraged Dreams Exam Anxiety Exercise Fear of Animals Fear of Death Fear of Dentist Fear of Doctor Fear of Failure Fear of Flying Fear of Heights Fear of Loss of Control Fear of School Fear of Success Fear of Surgery Fear of Water Fears Forgiveness Frustration Gagging Gambling Guilt Hair Twisting Headaches Helplessness Hopelessness Hypochondria Hostility Hypertension Immune System Impotency Improve Health Improve Sales Indecision Inferiority Inhibition Insecurity Insomnia Irrational Irrational thoughts Irritability Jealousy Lack of Ambition Lack of Direction Lack of Enthusiasm Lack of Initiative Lower Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects Memory Mistrust Moodiness Motivation Nail Biting Nausea Negativism Nightmares Obsessions Obsessive-Compulsive Overeating Overly Critical Pain Management Panic Attacks Passive-Aggressive Past Life Regression Perfectionism Performance Anxiety Pessimism Phobias Postsurgical Premature Ejaculation Presurgical Problem Solving Procrastination Public Speaking Reach Goals Rejection Relationship Enhancement Relaxation Resistance Resistance to Change Responsibility Restlessness Sadness Self-Awareness Self-Blame Self-Confidence Self-Control Self-Criticism Self-Defeating Behaviors Self-Esteem Self-Expression Self-Forgiveness Self-Hypnosis Self-Image Self-Mastery Sexual Problems Shame Skin Problems Sleep Disorders Smoking Social Phobia Sports Stage Fright Stress Study Habits Stuttering Stubborn Substance Abuse Superiority Surgical Recovery Tardiness Temptation Thumb Sucking Tics Trauma Ulcers Victimization Weight Loss Worry Writers Block Amazing ways Hypnotherapy can help you.
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When things come to an end its just the start of new beginnings. So dust yourself off give yourself a shake. Take another step .....
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Hypnotherapist & Holistic Practitoner
A little poetry from me today When I think of you I smile My eyes shine brightly I feel Anticipation I breath happiness I hope it ever lasting.
Todays the day to believe in your own words. I regularly hear i cant do that. No i am not able to. Fear holds us back its the unknown. If we carry on fearing we will never strive forwards to open ourselves up to opportunities again you never thought or you deserve. The mind set is so powerful hypnosis is so positive how your life, goals, can change just by flipping the mindset to a positive outlook. So today take the time to turn a negative thought feeling into a positive one GO ON YOU CAN DO IT ..... For any other thought please feel free to express any questions email me or comment below. 😃👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Positive thoughts of the evening.
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145 Ways how Hypnotherapy can help these ailments. Abandonment Addictions Age Regression Aggression Agoraphobia Anesthesia Anger Anxiety Assertiveness Assist Healing Attitude Adjustment Bed Wetting Biofeedback Breathing Career Success Change Habits Child Birth Chronic Pain Communication Concentration Controlling Cramps Cravings Creativity Death or Loss Discouraged Dreams Exam Anxiety Exercise Fear of Animals Fear of Death Fear of Dentist Fear of Doctor Fear of Failure Fear of Flying Fear of Heights Fear of Loss of Control Fear of School Fear of Success Fear of Surgery Fear of Water Fears Forgiveness Frustration Gagging Gambling Guilt Hair Twisting Headaches Helplessness Hopelessness Hypochondria Hostility Hypertension Immune System Impotency Improve Health Improve Sales Indecision Inferiority Inhibition Insecurity Insomnia Irrational Irrational thoughts Irritability Jealousy Lack of Ambition Lack of Direction Lack of Enthusiasm Lack of Initiative Lower Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects Memory Mistrust Moodiness Motivation Nail Biting Nausea Negativism Nightmares Obsessions Obsessive-Compulsive Overeating Overly Critical Pain Management Panic Attacks Passive-Aggressive Past Life Regression Perfectionism Performance Anxiety Pessimism Phobias Postsurgical Premature Ejaculation Presurgical Problem Solving Procrastination Public Speaking Reach Goals Rejection Relationship Enhancement Relaxation Resistance Resistance to Change Responsibility Restlessness Sadness Self-Awareness Self-Blame Self-Confidence Self-Control Self-Criticism Self-Defeating Behaviors Self-Esteem Self-Expression Self-Forgiveness Self-Hypnosis Self-Image Self-Mastery Sexual Problems Shame Skin Problems Sleep Disorders Smoking Social Phobia Sports Stage Fright Stress Study Habits Stuttering Stubborn Substance Abuse Superiority Surgical Recovery Tardiness Temptation Thumb Sucking Tics Trauma Ulcers Victimization Weight Loss Worry Writers Block
Medication treats symptoms. Hypnotherapy treats causes.