Offizin für Architektur GmbH
offizin|a is an interdisciplinary studio working within the fields of architecture, interiors, products, graphic design and design strategy, based in Zürich directed by Sarah Gatto, Matilde Rossini, Rafael Drzymalla.
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Working on… A PUZZLE FOR LELE • Renovation Single Family House | Attic Renovation | @offizinfuerarchitektur • #newproject #attic #renovation #conversion #wood #rafter #beams #ceiling #architecture #offizin|a #design #remodeling #restyling #residential #privatehouse #workinprogress at #construction #site #zuerich #comingsoon #underconstruction #staytuned
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many thanks to CUBE MAGAZIN to include offizin|a in its most recent issue! take a look:
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Remembering some of the most Inspirational Women in Architecture Lina Bo Bardi * 1914-1992 Gae Aulenti * 1927-2012 Flora Ruchat-Roncati * 1937-2012 Zaha Hadid * 1950-2016 #LinaBoBardi #GaeAulenti #FloraRuchatRoncati #ZahaHadid #Respect #Inspiration #breakingbarriers #womenarchitects #womeninarchitecture #womaninart #WomenArtists #WomenInTheArts #architecture #architecturelovers #architecture_best #architectureart #collagemaker #8march #march8th #womensmarch #womensday #womensrights #womensrights #womensday2017 #womensday
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What do new forms do to my city ? Footprint of an Office Tower in Tulskaya, Moscow. #offizin|a examining the physiognomy of the city and defining the physiognomy of an urban space… #cityscape #physiognomy #urbanism #architecture #footprint #skyscraper #tulskaya #moscow #unbuiltarchitecture #sketchwork #idea #createexplore #visionaryarchitecture #moscowdaily #russianarchitecture #russiancollage #unbuiltwork #utopiacity #utopia #moskau #utopiastadt #archicollage #archivision #architectureproject #moscowtopia
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We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website – Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about our current and past projects. __________ Mit Engagement widmeten wir uns zuletzt nicht nur unseren Architektur-Projekten, sondern auch unserer Webseite. Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass sie nun online ist! Ab jetzt werden wir regelmässig weitere Bauten, Projekte und Wettbewerbe ergänzen. Ein Besuch lohnt sich also immer wieder.
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Cooperative Housing Risihof published in MODULOR / Magazin für Architektur, Immobilien, Recht ! Photography by Seraina Wirz
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Neubauprojekt Risihof wurde in neuer Ausgabe von Architektur+Technik publiziert.
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mil|li|me|ter|ge|nau dándole vueltas #lookingforsolution #drawing … a detail makes the difference
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#Vorschau #Medien : Das Projekt Risihof erscheint in der nächsten Ausgabe von Architektur+Technik am 15. Dez. 2016!! #photography Seraina Wirz #preview #publication #article #cooperative #housing #architecture in #Birmensdorf #Siedlung #Städtebau #gemeinnütziger #Wohnungsbau #Kernzone
SARAH GATTO ... OFFIZIN|A ... · Cooperative Housing Risihof find sarah gatto from offizin|a on DIVISARE!!
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A PUZZLE FOR LELE #newproject #bathroom #interior #architecture #comingsoon #underconstruction #privatehouse #restyling #zuerich @mutinaceramics
Offizin für Architektur GmbH's cover photo