Christian Startup Network
We organize a startup weekend in Zurich where 20-30 Christians meet to develop new startup ideas founded on our common believe.
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facebook.comPatchwork Personality
Vom 6. bis 12. Oktober findet in Rasa (Tessin) eine Kurswoche statt, zum Thema "Patchwork Personality", ein Charakterstrukturmodell, welches auf einfache und inspirierende Art hilft, sich selber und andere besser zu verstehen und somit die Zusammenarbeit in einem Team oder unter Arbeitspartnern stark erleichtern kann.
Der Klöntalersee ist eine der besten Wandertipps in der schweiz und einen Tagesausflug wert
Next Saturday planned: CSN Hike, 9.30am - 3pm - Glarus-Klöntalersee. PM till Wedn.
GOTT@DIGITAL Innovationskonferenz
Christliche Digital-Konferenz in Darmstadt im Sept.! Highly recommended
Photos from Christian Startup Network's post
After Hike, ready for the dinner...... #christian #startup #network. #csn
Photos from Christian Startup Network's post
Brainstorming to get continued... and #roomwithaview ;)
Photos from Christian Startup Network's post
#CSN weekend retreat for intense brainstorming to start, #christian #startup network
Adventure-Race | ein Projekt des sbt-Beatenberg
Are you in for some Adventure? We want to join this here as a group. PM if interested:
Happy 4th of July (to all US brother/sister) - no CSN Meeting next Monday - we had issues with the location and speaker - more infos will follow soon via FB, newsletter, etc.
Photos from Christian Startup Network's post
Good Friday indeed. Christ died for us and has risen again! Easter greetings from beatenberg #sbt
Timeline Photos
Christian Art Portal is pitching #ChristianStartupNetwork #WhatWouldJesusBuild #Art #ethics
Timeline Photos
Photo-It-Up is pitching, #ChristianStartupNetwork
Timeline Photos
Seek & Find is pitching #WhatWouldJesusBuild #ChristianStartupNetwork #unemployment #findjob #paradigmshift