(VMP) [phimale] - as the female commission of VMP at ETH Zürich we want to build a network for our ladies in maths, physics and computational science. At different events we bring them together and offer the opportunity to have a look at the world of work.
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facebook.comA big thank you to all the participants of the very first round of phimale's Coffee Lectures! It was a great pleasure to meet all of you and we are looking forward to continue yesterday's discussions! See you next time :)
Coffee, tea, cake, and a relaxed atmosphere to discuss gender and academia? Join us for the very first round of Coffee Lectures! Dr. Meike Akveld will give a 15 minute input based on her personal experience and we invite everyone interested in reflecting on gender equality in a non-polarising way :). We’re looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 7.3.2018 at 12:00, HG G 19.1!
Hello everyone! Girls don't game? It's time to drop the old stereotypes!! GECo, the gaming and entertainment commission at ETH is hosting its very first GGEZ (gamer-girls at ETHZ) meet-up! Come and join a fun casual gaming evening where classics such as Mario Kart or Super Smash are going to be played together. There'll also be new party games to try out! When: Thursday, 07.12.2017, 6pm Where: CAB E13 Interested? Don't hesitate to sign up: No experience is required. There will be something for everyone :) The evening will cost you CHF 5 at the door, in return you can get as much pizza and drink as you want. Please register for the event at
Bloomberg visits ETH Zurich and cooperates with phimale (VMP), limes (AMIV) and CSNOW to throw an aperitif at the Dozentenfoyer. Come and have some wine, refine your coding skills, learn scrum and most of all: Meet women from the most different departments of ETH and get to know the world of Bloomberg! Please register at:
Let's get this thing started! We're happy announce our first [phimale] meeting of this semester. In order to collect new and creative ideas and discuss their potential implementation, we want to invite you to join our Kick Off meeting on **Thursday, October 19th, 2017 at 5:15 p.m.**! We are really looking forward to meeting new faces! Everyone is very welcome to join and help creating a productive output!
On Thursday, October 19th, 2017, starting 5:15 p.m. [phimale] is going to have their KickOff meeting for this semester. We'll meet up in front of the VMP office (CAB E33) at 5 p.m. The main goals of the meeting are collecting new and creative ideas from different people, evaluating the possibility of implementing these and work out a plan for this semester's projects and plans. Everyone is very welcome to join the meeting in order to get a productive output. Food and beverages will be provided. Any questions? Contact: -*-*- german version -*-*- Am kommenden Donnerstag, dem 19. Oktober 2017, findet ab 17:15 Uhr die KickOff Sitzung von [phimale] statt. Wir treffen uns um 17:00 Uhr vor dem VMP Büro im CAB. (CAB E33) Ziel dieser Sitzung wird es sein, neue und kreative Ideen von Leuten zu sammeln, deren Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten zu besprechen und einen Plan aufzustellen, wie wir diese im Verlaufe des Semesters / Jahres gerne umsetzen möchten. Jedermann /-frau ist herzlich willkommen, an einer produktiven Sitzung teilzuhaben. Für Verpflegung ist gesorgt. Bei Fragen:
Hi Girls! McKinsey is hosting a career weekend from November 23th - 24th, 2017. Don't be afraid, give it a try! Application deadline is November 6th, 2017.
Ein grosses Vorbild ist von uns gegangen! Die Iranerin erlag vergangenen Samstag im Alter von 40 Jahren ihrem Krebs. 2014 wurde sie als erste und einzige Frau mit der Fields-Medaille ausgezeichnet. Die Fields-Medaille wird alle 4 Jahre an Mathematiker/innen verliehen, die jünger als 40 Jahre als sind und sich in besonderer Weise auf dem Gebiet der mathematischen Forschung hervorgetan haben. Wir gedenken dir als grosses Vorbild für Generationen von Mathematikerinnen auf der ganzen Welt!