EY Careers
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EY is a global leader in advisory, assurance, tax and transaction services.
The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in
the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding
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doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people,
for our clients and for our communities.
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“Be the best version of yourself” – in our workshop at Universa Women’s Day, we discussed the key skills needed to become future leaders. Thank you for being with us, dear students of Universität St.Gallen (HSG), it was great to exchange ideas with you!
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Lead the change in the financial sector together with us! We offer you various entry possibilities and international perspectives in our Financial Services Organization – regardless of whether you would like to specialize in auditing, tax, transaction or advisory services. But why don’t you see for yourself? Discover the career website now! http://fscareers.ey.com/
Prevent your cables from getting eaten by your office chair :D To organize them, simply stick a few hair clips to the table and clamp the cables with it. And if you do not have any bobby pins within your reach: Just ask one of your female colleagues, they might help you out.
Swiss Winter University Games - SWUG
It was great being part of the Swiss Winter University Games SWUG 2017. See you again next year!
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#TopJob: Start your career with our Trainee Program in Zurich! In 12 to 18 months you will work in three different areas such as Audit, Advisory and Transactions. Expand your practical skills and open up various perspectives at EY. We’re looking forward to receiving your application. http://bit.ly/2oz6riU
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This is how it feels to be part of a team that’s 100% focused on the same goal. At EY Transaction Advisory Services, everyone is on the same side. Your side.
Manus VR: How could VR transform your industry?
Stephan van den Brink, CEO of Manus VR and EY alumnus invented a Virtual Reality glove initially designed for the gaming industry. The glove is now used for training purposes by organizations such as NASA.
Do you need to boost your concentration as it is Monday? Drinking enough water is the key. Our #HappyMonday life hack may help you: Just divide your water bottle into small units and mark them with lines. Then add the time you allow yourself to consume the water in each of the units. Do you accept the challenge?
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“As a child, I wanted to be a professional soccer player.” This career path didn’t work out, but luckily the one at EY did. In his job Sebastian, Senior Consultant in our Finance Advisory Services, appreciates the most the flexible, creative and stimulating work environment.
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Only if people feel valued for who they are, we will be able to create high-performing teams that appreciate different perspectives and deliver better approaches for our clients. Find out more in our video „Making it real – globally“: http://bit.ly/2hEXDnv
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How to kick-start your future at EY? The students at ETH Zürich could not only find out more about that by speaking to us at our booth, but also from the presentation of Matthias Bünte, Managing Partner and Advisory Leader Industries Switzerland. He spoke about consulting powered by a Big 4 organization and gave insights into a career at EY.
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A great time on a perfect spring day: Four teams from our People Advisory Services took part in the Zurich Marathon and covered distances up to 17 km each. The route took the runners through the city and along the lake until Meilen and back. Well done!