Jean Paul Mynè Schweiz
Die erste und einzige Glättungsbehandlung
Ohne Formaldehyd
Made in Italy JEAN PAUL MYNÈ
Eine alte Redensart besagt, dass “man gemeinsam stark ist” und die Marke Jean Paul Mynè beweist ihren Wahrheitsgehalt.
Indem wir das Know-How erfahrener Chemiker und Biologen, die in der Forschung arbeiten , die Ergebnisse der Marktuntersuchungen zu den Haar-Stylisten und ihren Kunden mit dem italienischem Fingerspitzengefühl für Handel und Unternehmen vereint haben, haben wir ein im Aussehen, im Inhalt und in der Leistung innovatives Produkt entwickelt .
Die Marke Jean Paul Mynè wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, auf dem Markt kosmetische Produkte von hoher Leistung anzubieten, die ausschließlich in Italien hergestellt werden und exklusiv für qualifizierte Haar-Stylisten, die bei der Behandlung der Haare das Beste herausholen, bestimmt sind. Die Unternehmenspolitik von Jean Paul Mynè stützt sich auf vier einfache Prinzipien:
Der Gebrauch von ausschließlich zugelassenen und geprüften Inhaltsstoffen (mit dem Weglassen von verbotenen oder gesundheitsgefährdeten Stoffen von Anfang an sind die glättenden Pflegeprodukte von Jean Paul Mynè garantiert ohne Formaledehyd);
Keinen Kompromiss zwischen Qualität und Preis bei der Wahl der Rohstoffen, denn wir sind überzeugt, dass nur die Verwendung von Rohstoffen bester Qualität unsere Kunden aufs Höchste zufrieden stellen kann;
Verkauf der professionellen Produkte (PRO) nur an ausgebildete und zugelassene professionelle Haar-Stylisten;
Das Arbeiten mit dem Feed-Back von den Kunden, um Leistung und Zufriedenheitsgrad zu prüfen.
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facebook.comThe word DEHA means HUMAN BEING in the Sanskrit language and it alludes to the meaning of the cosmos on a smaller scale. DEHA is dedicated to the whole family. This is an ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY range like no other, not only because of its special formulations but also because when you use it, you are benefiting sustainability. Low water consumption and less energy required to heat it up. It cleanses and hydrates body and hair gently and works to protect the environment at the same time. One product for several different purposes means saving energy whilst you have a shower and wash your hair. A lifestyle in harmony with nature. #deha #ocrys #healthyhair #inmyheadjustyou #jeanpaulmynè #haircare
REPAIR is a special range which gives strength and nourishment to fragile hair. It reinforces the hair structure as well as repairing and restoring the protective barrier of the hair fibre. #repair #ocrys #healthyhair #inmyheadjustyou #jeanpaulmynè #haircare
Just arrived the innovation in the molecular restore world! From the excellence of OXILOCK PLASMA is born AMAZING, the amazing treatment based on #equiseto and #amino acids that, in the mixed with Oxilock Plasma Miracle n.1, gives to the hair a reconstruction never seen before. From February only in the best salons. #jeanpaulmynè #inmyheadjustyou #oxilockplasma #healthyhair #reconstruction #molecularrestore
In ancient Sanskrit, Deva means that which shines – a divine being or the power of nature. It protects cosmetically coloured hair and keep it glossy. #deva #ocrys #healthyhair #inmyheadjustyou #jeanpaulmynè #summer #haircare
If you have curly or straight hair and in summer your nightmare is the frizz, you can choose ASANA for curly hair or BANDHA for straight hair. Created to remove frizz, both work on the cuticles to control and tame the form. BANDHA has special actives that adjust the capillary fibres helping the memory of the straight styling. ASANA has special actives that redefine the curl and make it flexible and elastic. #asana #bandha #ocrys #healthyhair #inmyheadjustyou #jeanpaulmynè #summer #haircare
Luxury Hair Box "Botox Sensation", everything you need to restore hair a healthy, bright look and to give it strength and body.
Do you have a little time to take care of your hair at home? Would you like to tame your mane during the summer? Do you dream to have your hair smooth and healthy for a long time? Jean Paul Mynè is the best solution for you! #keratinplusgold: the healthy, safe and natural smoothing treatment 100% #madeinitaly. You can never go back! #jeanpaulmynè #inmyheadjustyou #hairstyle
OXILOCK plasma is the exclusive complex of organic substances developed by the Jean Paul Mynè laboratories, which allows the revitalisation of damaged keratin fibres. Used simultaneously with all chemical treatments in the salon, it allows recovery of the hair’s health with “miraculous” results.
#jeanpaulmynè #happynewyear #2k18
For the holidays gives to your hair THERMO REPAIR Perfect Ends, an incredibly high-performing product in restoring damaged hair with split ends or which has been destroyed by aggressive treatments. #jeanpaulmynè #inmyheadjustyou #perfectends
Keratin Plus Quick Smoothing is the first straightening treatment quick and easy to apply thanks to its formulation and creamy consistency. It removes volume and frizz, increases the manageability of unruly, curly and frizzy hair even at home.
Organic Touch Shampoo and mask to have a perfect moisturising and nourishing action for your hair...FREE FROM SULPHATES,SLS AND SLES! #jeanpaulmynè #organictouch #nature #hair #hairstyle #love #beauty #fashion #igers #girl #photooftheday