we are creating a market platform for unique affordable art. we match artists with art enthusiasts.
from artists with love - be individual makris is a marketplace. makris is a platform of artists, displaying their own art.
we match art and artists with art enthusiasts and prospective customers. makris enables art lovers and potential customers to find unique and affordable art — London- and New-York poster from a Swedish furniture store are old news.
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facebook.comhi all - our website is missing artists. Any (student or hobby) artists in mind? 🎨 Help us spread the news 🙌
we are looking for some programming help! Do you know someone wanting to gain first-hand start-up experience? It is super exciting and always loads to learn and hurdles to overcome. Let them know:!jobs/nz7xg
makris working session in the heart of Zurich #bürozüri - Fabian is adding functions to the artist's profile.
We want to tailor the website according to your needs. Help us out and shape the platform with your creative thoughts - take part in our quick survey (in German). For art enthusiasts and customers: For artists:
Unser Konzept der Plattform in einer Minute als Film zusammengefasst.
Die Makrisianer auch zu später Stunde noch mit vollem Einsatz!