Horwath HTL Switzerland
Horwath HTL is the world's largest consulting organization specialized in the hospitality industry, with 50 offices in 39 countries. Horwath HTL, The Hotel, Tourism and Leisure Specialists
At Horwath HTL, we focus one hundred percent on hotels, tourism and leisure. With over two hundred and fifty professionals world wide, our network can draw on a tremendous amount of international experience and local knowledge that gives us, and our clients, a unique advantage.
We offer a broad range of advisory solutions that covers the whole cycle of the hotel product, starting with planning and development, on to asset management and operational advice, to transactional and financial restructuring. At any stage, Horwath HTL will add value to your project and ensure that you receive the very best support every step of the way.
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CANADA MARKET REPORT Montréal, a city bathed in French culture, will be celebrating its 375th anniversary in 2017. Celebrations are planned throughout the year in the hopes of attracting an ever increasing number of tourists. Canada, a global tourism destination, will also be celebrating its 150th anniversary of Confederation. The country continues to register increasing occupancies and ADR at year-end 2016 and into the first quarter of 2017. Despite the difficulties registered by three of its ten provinces in 2016, the result of the low cost of crude, Canada’s year-to-date March trends indicate that occupancy could potentially surpass that 2016, potentially reaching a new high as the difficult times registered in certain provinces tempers and demand in others continues to grow. http://horwathhtl.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=11833c300b1d92a8bdbd1b0ef&id=f49c91058b&e=b3536c5f71
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Mrs. Jolanta Janušauskienė of the Crowe Horwath Vilnius office paid us a visit during the EBA event. Thank you so much, dear Jolanta, for your enormous hospitality and for taking the time to show us Trakai Island Castle and excellent local cuisine. We truly enjoyed it!
Schweizer Restaurant auf Platz 2 der Bestenliste
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Medical Tourism Association