Zurichsee International Language Studio
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facebook.comСтоимость наших полуинтенсивных курсов: Стоимость курса зависит от количества учебных недель. 1 курс - 1 учебник. Для сильных студентов мы предлагам укороченный курс, 8 недель, 64 урока по 45 минут. Каждый учебный день-4 урока по 45 минут, занятия дважды в неделю. Нормальный курс-10 недель, 80 уроков по 45 минут, тоже дважды в неделю по 4 урока в день. Стоимость 8-недельного курса (64 урока) - 1'408 шв.франков плюс учебники. Стоимость 10-недельного курса (80 уроков) - 1'760 шв. франков плюс учебники. Для того, чтобы пройти один уровень и успешно сдать экзамен TELC требуется около от 125 до 150 уроков по 45 минут. Таким образом, за полгода вы без особых усилий можете сдать экзамен по немецкому языку. Это-хорошая альтернатива интенсивным курсам (пять дней в неделю), которые многие не могут себе позволить из-за отсутствия времени, но гораздо быстрее и эффективнее, чем медленный курс один-два урока в неделю.
Приглашаем русскоязычных, проживающих в районе Цюрихского озера (Lachen-Pfäffikon SZ-Wollerau-Wädenswil-Horgen-Thalwil) и еще не владеющих немецким в новую группу интенсивного немецкого языка для начинающих. Занятия утром дважды в неделю по три часа. Курс 8-10 недель. Успешную сдачу экзаменов TELC гарантируем. Наша специализация-курсы немецкого языка для людей, которые считают себя неспособными к изучению иностранных языков или утверждают, что никогда немецким не овладеют. Мы Вам докажем, что Вы ранее ошибались! Занятия проводятся активно, интересно, в игровой форме, мы используем разные методики для запоминания, и вы удивитесь своим быстрым успехам! Группы у нас маленькие (максимально 6 человек). Для ранее изучавших немецкий язык-бесплатные тесты! Начало занятий по мере формирования групп. Мы также предлагаем индивидуальные занятия в удобное для Вас время. Звоните 078 728 77 30 или свяжитесь по электронной почте info@muttersprache-studio.com Мы будем Вам очень рады!
We are starting new German courses (A1-B1) from September and are offering flexibility to our students. The group courses usually start at 09:00 and take place twice a week, 3 hours each day. We use Schritte Plus textbooks (Swiss edition), two books per each level. Each book requires 80 academic hours of tuition (10 weeks) so you can do one complete level in 20 weeks attending lessons on two weekday mornings for 3 hours per day. The groups will start as soon as the first 4 students sign up for the course. We keep the groups small, maximum 6 students per group.We will be offering start dates for all levels during the whole school year. Please send us a message or call us at 0787 28 77 30 to inquire about the next placement test. We offer several placement tests every week. We can start a new group on any two weekday mornings provided that min 4 students will sign up for the course.
We are a small team of experienced and professionally trained language teachers offering semi-intensive German courses for expats living on the Zurich lake near Wollerau. Our language studio is located opposite Wollerau train station and can be reached from Wädenswil or Pfäffikon in just 10 minutes by car. It has also excellent transport accessibility for those who do not drive. We offer discounts for OBS or ZIS parent community. * Why do we offer German certificate courses and not just conversational ones? We believe that everyone who comes to Switzerland to live and work should make attempts to learn the local language to find your way around and to get accepted by the locals. The Swiss has recently changed their legislation in such a way that it is legally required to pass an A2 German language test and obtain a formal language certificate (TELC or Goethe Insitute one) to get a permanent residence permit (permit C). Those who wish to get a Swiss passport should be residents for min 12 years and pass a B1 test (Zertifikat Deutsch B1). There is no expiry date on these certificates once you get them. The TELC (The European Language Certificates) courses are aimed at training all language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar is an integral part of language learning and cannot be avoided. The absolute majority of our students are well-educated professional people and this should be reflected in the way they speak a foreign language. * Why do we offer semi-intensive German courses? TELC stipulates that in order to conquer each language level (A1, A2, B1 and higher) each student needs between 125 and 150 hours of tuition. The human memory works in such a way that without repetition only about 20% of the new material is retained after each lesson. You can increase the amount of retained material to 60% or more by repetition. The gaps between lessons should not exceed 3 days or one forgets more. There are schools in Zurich who offer intensive German courses for students 4-5 hours in the morning 5 days a week. This is an excellent way to learn any language fast, you can obtain ONE level in THREE MONTHS. I have done it myself but by doing it in such an intensive way (please do not forget the daily homework assignments) you completely abandon your loved ones and your life outside your language class for three months. If you can afford to do it please do, but I have a family to look after. There are a lot of weekly integration courses offered by local municipal authorities (fairly cheap because they are heavily subsidized) or other schools but in our view one cannot make good progress by attending lessons once a week as students lose too much new information between the lessons and it takes too long to cover one level. Our semi-intensive courses take place two or three weekday mornings after 9:00 (6 hours in total, or 8 lessons of 45 minutes per week with some breaks.) Therefore students can cover one level per half year but still have family life! Normally students opt for 3 hours per day twice a week, you still have free time to recover and have a life! * Why do we only employ experienced teachers with full university diplomas in foreign language teaching? We employ only professionals as we respect our students! We can guarantee their success at TELC exams! It is not enough for a teacher to speak the language, it is important to be professional, know all the difficulties and “be in your student’s shoes”. We can explain why and speak your language. We know that learning a language is not easy of you are not very young, we know the tricks how to make you learn and remember, how to overcome your fear of learning something new when you are not so young anymore. * Why some of your teachers are not German native-speakers? We employ highly experienced German language teachers with university diplomas and full teaching degrees. We do not accept the attitude that it is enough to be local and obtain a DAF (Teaching German as a foreign language) certificate in one or a couple of months to come and teach German to expats. All our teachers have between 15-35 years experience in teaching languages to university students and at Goethe Institute. Several of our teachers have TELC examiners licenses and conduct TELC exams themselves. It is much easier for a teacher who has learnt the language himself/herself to understand the difficulties our students face and explain the complicated material in such a way that students will be encouraged to overcome their fears. It is easier for the teacher who speaks the student's native language to forsee the difficulties the student may face and explain the difficult material to the student in his native language if necessary. It is easier sometimes for a teacher who has learnt the language himself to formulate the rule. We never say to our students the phrase one can often hears from a native speaker " because we say so". We try to explain or give our students the tools to learn the speech patterns. We speak English, German, French, Russian and Italian. Please come and talk to us, tell us about your goals and expectation and we will tailor the course for you. We are a small team and we are very flexible. We also offer free placement test. Please email us at info@muttersprache-studio.com or send us a message. We are now on Facebook!
Welcome to Zurichsee International Language Studio in Wollerau