Mindful Medical Training, Medical Pilates, Mama Pilates (Rückbildung), Intermediate Pilates, Personal Training, Physiotherapy
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facebook.comNice stretch on the thoracic spine for the weekend. Enjoy and come and see us for a free trial lesson at MindMed.
Holidays are over, summer isn't. MindMed is back at work with Mama Pilates and Intermediate Pilates. Pilates Workout will be next week. Happy to see you all!
Before you leave the city, just this: Breathe in to prepare, breathe out to lift your pelvis. Strong butt for sure! For those who stay in town: Wednesday 19.45 and Saturday 11.15 will continue through summer break! Go there, be mindful and enjoy!
Temperatures are beautiful today, so hop on the mat! Hands onto your stomach, take a deep breath in. On the breath out, lower your straight legs just as far as you keep completely stable in your pelvis. Come back on the breath in. Be mindful, enjoy!
Eine Stunde Mindful Medical Pilates zwischen den Afropfingsten. Am Samstag findet das Intermediate Pilates um 11.15-12.15Uhr statt. Am Pfingstmontag bleibt MindMed geschlossen. Wir freuen uns auf euch, eine Probelektion ist kostenlos. Kommt und geniesst!
Have a beautiful week!
Side Bend: Breathe in to stretch one arm to the side, breathe out to reach up and over, breathe in to come back and prepare to go again. Keep your sitting bones grounded and lengthen both sides of your waist. Enjoy!
Mama Pilates mit Baby bei MindMed * Mindful Medical Pilates mit physiotherapeutischem und tänzerischem Hintergrund * Dienstags 10-11Uhr mitten in der Altstadt von Winterthur, Schulgasse 3 * Probelektion kostenlos * mindmed.ch
Mindful Medical Pilates for better alignment, head up, feet grounded. Have a lovely weekend!
MindMed wünscht frohe Ostern! Es finden keine Lektionen statt. Die nächste Gelegenheit für Mindful Pilates mit Baby (oder auch ohne) am Dienstag 18.4. 10-11Uhr an der Schulgasse 3.
Feel like flying into spring air? Breathe in to prepare, breathe out to fly, stretch, lengthen, open your chest, pull out from the top of your head, enjoy!