Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2011
Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2011 The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) in collaboration with World Health Organization and other partners announces for 2011 the on-line training course on research methodology in sexual and reproductive health labeled as " From Research to Practice: Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research.". This course is an appropriate package of training, which meets the needs of health care providers and other professionals involved in research in many countries.
The course aims to provide a cadre of health practitioners in different countries with knowledge, skills and competencies in sexual and reproductive health as well as research in this filed, especially for those health care providers, whose access to learning is limited by time, financial resource or other constraints and where access to quality education and learning in the field of sexual and reproductive health is limited.
With this training program, participants will learn from first hand health experiences in day to day demands and through longer term challenges in the field of reproductive health and research.
In 2010 a total of 147 health professionals from 48 countries have been enrolled in this training program. The majority of them are from developing countries.
What distinguishes this course from other courses is that the participants build direct contact with WHO (Department of Reproductive Health and Research) and other important research institutions. This enforces their professional network and open new opportunities in their carriers if they are motivated and have innovative ideas and ambitions.
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