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Lättenstrasse 64, Uitikon, Switzerland
Sports & Fitness Instruction



Eat & Train Ich heisse Dario Pozzi, bin 40-jährig, 177cm gross, 75kg schwer und lebe «leicht» mit ca. 6% Körperfett. Ich bin Ernährungscoach, Intermittent-Fasting-Experte und Kraftsportler. Ich biete eine individuelle Begleitung auf dem Weg zu Ihrer Wunschfigur. Durch gezielte Anpassungen in Ihrer Ernährungsweise erreichen wir dies nachhaltig - ohne Jojo-Effekt.
Mein Rezept für ein «leichteres Leben» ist wissenschaftlich abgestützt, logisch nachvollziehbar und frei von Ernährungsmythen und unhaltbaren Versprechungen.



Wir naschen in der Weihnachtszeit auch hin und wieder! Allerdings gibt es gesunde Varianten, wie mit unserem Guezli-Rezept 👇🏼

NEW NEW NEW – Coffee & Protein! Wer ihn nicht probiert, ist selber schuld!

Aufgepasst! Wir verlosen drei POZZIBLE Eat & Train Coachings - Jetzt bewerben bis am 15. Dezember ! 👇

You can get him online - our NEU Macchiato Crisp Protein Bar !

Finally our Macchiato Crisp Protein bar arrived this week!

Ein spannenden neues Interview ist online auf unserem Blog! Rosanna berichtet, wie es ihr während dem POZZIBLE Eat & Train Coaching ergangen ist, ohne dabei irgendetwas schön zu reden - viel Spass beim Lesen! #blogalert

Komm vorbei im Balboa Zurich und schnapp dir dein POZZIBLE Shirt, Gymbag, Hoddie und mehr - nicht verpassen!

Ein grosser Teil des POZZIBLE Eat & Train Coaching dreht sich um die richtige Ernährung. Willst du wissen, was dich dabei erwartet? Erhalte einen Einblick im neuen Erfahrungsbericht POZZIBLE Eat & Train Coaching – Part 2 👇🏼

Auch Serap Yavuz will es wissen! Wie funktioniert denn jetzt ein solches Ernährungskonzept von POZZIBLE?

Aller Anfang ist schwer! Habt ihr euch schon gefragt, wie so ein POZZIBLE Eat & Train Coaching startet? Liest den Erfahrungsbericht zum ersten und vielleicht schwierigsten Teil des Coachings auf unserem Blog 👇🏼

Wer kommt uns besuchen an der FIT X MORE? Wir freuen uns!

Wer kennt es nicht, das gute Gefühl nach einem erfolgreichen Krafttraining? Nun ist es wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass Sport nicht nur unseren Körper, sondern auch unseren Geist fitter macht. Mehr in unserem neuen Blogpost.


All the foodspiration by @7shoes 🙌🏻 You see - healthy and clean food hasn't to be boring! 💪🏻 #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

All the foodspiration by @7shoes 🙌🏻 You see - healthy and clean food hasn't to be boring! 💪🏻 #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

It's not only about weights. Pozzible is everything! Got this pic from my old buddy, Jimmy, who is big into boxing. Get your own shirt at pozziblestore ☝🏻 Link in my bio... #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

It's not only about weights. Pozzible is everything! Got this pic from my old buddy, Jimmy, who is big into boxing. Get your own shirt at pozziblestore ☝🏻 Link in my bio... #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

My favorite carbs 🥔 Stay tuned for my next recipe - chili con carne with sweet potatoes. Soon on the blog... #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

My favorite carbs 🥔 Stay tuned for my next recipe - chili con carne with sweet potatoes. Soon on the blog... #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

Get up and go 💪🏻 No matter how you feel, if you're low on energy or having a bad day, just smash your workout, you'll feel so much better once you have completed your workout 💪🏻 I promise! #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

Get up and go 💪🏻 No matter how you feel, if you're low on energy or having a bad day, just smash your workout, you'll feel so much better once you have completed your workout 💪🏻 I promise! #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

Breakfast inspiration by @7shoes 🙌 An other egg breakfast you'll find on my blog ☝Link in my bio. #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

Breakfast inspiration by @7shoes 🙌 An other egg breakfast you'll find on my blog ☝Link in my bio. #pozziblecoach #pozzibleCH

Don't limit yourself. Aim high! Take small steps everyday towards your goal. Make it pozzible! #pozziblecoach

Don't limit yourself. Aim high! Take small steps everyday towards your goal. Make it pozzible! #pozziblecoach

Same preworkout meal as always: banana, POZZIBLE Bar Chocolate Chip and double shot espresso. Don't overengineer your meals. Keep them simple so that you can stick with them for a long time (forever 😉) #pozziblecoach

Same preworkout meal as always: banana, POZZIBLE Bar Chocolate Chip and double shot espresso.  Don't overengineer your meals. Keep them simple so that you can stick with them for a long time (forever 😉) #pozziblecoach

Looking forward to another coaching day 👊 #pozziblecoach

Looking forward to another coaching day 👊 #pozziblecoach

Take care of your body. Make it powerful with weight training and feed it with good quality food. Let it rest. A healthy & strong body is a form of self respect! #pozziblecoach

Take care of your body. Make it powerful with weight training and feed it with good quality food. Let it rest. A healthy & strong body is a form of self respect! #pozziblecoach

Everything is pozzible in 2017! Let's make it happen - tomorrow 4x strength coach @balboamove 💪 See you there #pozziblecoach

Everything is pozzible in 2017! Let's make it happen - tomorrow 4x strength coach @balboamove 💪 See you there #pozziblecoach

Holiday Breakfast: Steak & Egg 😍 #pozziblecoach

Holiday Breakfast: Steak & Egg 😍 #pozziblecoach

Why you should do kettlebell swings 💪➡️ 1️⃣ Increased power 2️⃣ Increased aerobic capacity 3️⃣ Full body training 💪 Let's do it! #pozziblecoach

Why you should do kettlebell swings 💪➡️ 1️⃣ Increased power 2️⃣ Increased aerobic capacity 
3️⃣ Full body training 💪 Let's do it! #pozziblecoach

Happy New Year! Achieve your goals for 2017 with pozzible! Looking forward to support you! 💪 #pozziblecoach #NewYearsResolution

Happy New Year! Achieve your goals for 2017 with pozzible! Looking forward to support you! 💪 #pozziblecoach #NewYearsResolution

#Repost @valentine_dy with @repostapp ・・・ This year, I'm SO happy that I finally started lifting heavy weights!!! Thanks a million Dario @pozziblecoach to initiate me into the weight lifting world! #bestdecision2016 #pozziblecoach #weightlifting #justwanttobebetter

#Repost @valentine_dy with @repostapp
This year, I'm SO happy that I finally started lifting heavy weights!!! Thanks a million Dario @pozziblecoach to initiate me into the weight lifting world! 
#bestdecision2016 #pozziblecoach #weightlifting #justwanttobebetter

We at POZZIBLE enable our clients to achieve their strength or figure goals. Together we make it pozzible! Don't wait until next year. Start today! #pozziblecoach

We at POZZIBLE enable our clients to achieve their strength or figure goals. Together we make it pozzible! Don't wait until next year. Start today! #pozziblecoach
