FORMA the art of fitness
Personal Training,Group Training,Outdoor Training,Functional Training,Calipometrie and Nutrition.
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Outdoor training
Photos from FORMA the art of fitness's post
Whole body workout today with focus on the posture!
FORMA the art of fitness
Photos from FORMA the art of fitness's post
Don't let the fear from falling keep you from flying!Come and fly with me!
INSIDER fitness
I have perceived that Overweight people are reluctant to exercise because they fear disrespect and criticism. To be honest....maybe this happens sometimes,but it's up to them to turn this laughter into admiration. I personaly admire those people.People with goals and power. Of course if you need my help.I can help you to this trip. #Thalwil
Exercise is the remedy for stress not food!
TRX Abs Training!
FORMA the art of fitness's cover photo
FORMA the art of fitness
Timeline Photos
Greek yogurt,beeries,nuts,dark chocolate!! Yes, I am trying to eat healthy and no, I am not on a diet. Try it you'll like it😊