Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia
This Swiss Foundation was created to help patients suffering from chronic and therapy-resistant functional brain disorders / Cerebral Dysrhythmia. The Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia follows charitable objectives and was created to support patients in need suffering from chronic and therapy-resistant functional brain disorders (Parkinson's Disease, Essential Tremor, Neurogenic Pain amongst others).
Furthermore the Foundation shall sustain the development of the offer for treatment with focused ultrasound. Research, scientific publications, professional training, teaching and the interdisciplinary exchange in this area shall be encouraged and enhanced.
In order to be able to help as many patients as possible, we depend on donations. Every single contribution, however small, will make a difference and help patients in need from all over the world to be treated.
Please visit our homepage and contact us for further information.
Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia
Leopoldstrasse 1
CH – 4500 Solothurn
Tell your friends
facebook.comYoung future father treated thanks to the help of the Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia – Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia
Two weeks ago, the Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia has supported a young father-to-be from the United States, suffering from early onset #Parkinsonsdisease. It was an emotional moment to meet this touching couple and to feel their gratitude towards the treating medical center, the Foundation and all the donators. We wish them all the best on his journey to recovery and for their future as a small family! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the donators of the Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia. Without your support, this would not have been possible.
Ohne blutigen Einschnitt: Neurochirurg behandelt Parkinson mit Ultraschall
Artikel in der Solothurner Zeitung über fokussierten Ultraschall und das Zentrum für Funktionelle Ultraschall-Neurochirurgie in Solothurn. Article in the Solothurner Zeitung about focused ultrasound and the Center for Ultrasound Functional Neurosurgery in Solothurn.
SMF article - Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
Interesting article from Dr. med. M. Gallay et al. about incisionless functional brain surgery (MR-guided focused ultrasound) in the last edition of the Swiss Medical Forum. Article intéressant de Dr. med. M. Gallay et al. sur la Neurochirurgie fonctionnelle sans incision (ultrasons focalisés guidés par IRM) dans la dernière édition du Swiss Medical Forum. Interessanter Artikel von Dr. med. M. Gallay et al. über inzisionslose funktionelle Neurochirurgie (MR-gesteuerter fokussierter Ultraschall) in der letzten Ausgabe des Swiss Medical Forums. Français/French: Deutsch/German:
Parkinson’s Disease
An overview of the medical treatment possibilities for Parkinson's Disease
First Siblings Treated with FUS for Tremor
An interesting and moving article about Focused Ultrasound for #EssentialTremor. We would like to address a huge thank-you to the Mark S Nemschoff Family Foundation for their generous donation, which made the treatment possible for a person from Romania.
What an inspiring, motivating and positive video! You are doing a wonderful work Move4Parkinson's, thank you!
MR-Guided Focussed Ultrasound (MRgFUS) – A patient’s experience
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) at SoniModul - Switzerland - en français et allemand
Interesting article about focused ultrasound in German and French. Interessanter Artikel über fokussierten Ultraschall auf Deutsch und Französisch. Article intéressant sur les ultrasons focalisés en français et en allemand.
Timeline Photos
Finally summer has begun even in Switzerland!☀️🍀 #Morschach
Photos from Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia's post
Gewinner des Spendewettbewerbs am Märet in Solothurn Am Samstag den 9. April 2016 hatten wir einen Informationsstand am Märet in Solothurn. Einen lieben herzlichen Dank an Herr Fritz Jenzer sowie an die Einwohnergemeinde der Stadt Solothurn. Als wohltätige Organisation entfiel die Marktgebühr und wir durften den Stand gratis halten. Als neu gegründete, familiäre Stiftung mit Sitz in Solothurn haben wir es sehr geschätzt am Märet sein zu dürfen, um unsere Arbeit vorzustellen und mit den Solothurnerinnen und Solothurner ins Gespräch zu kommen. Zu diesem Anlass haben wir zudem einen Spendewettbewerb organisiert. Unter allen Personen die bis zum 1. Mai 2016 mit dem Stichwort „Märet“ einen Unterstützungsbeitrag eingezahlt haben, wurde ein Massage-Bon für eine stündige professionnelle Massage verlost. Der gespendete Betrag spielte dabei keine Rolle, alle SpenderInnen hatten die gleiche Chance zu gewinnen. Der Gewinner des Märet-Spendewettbewerbs vom 09. April 2016 ist Herr Zangger aus Langendorf. Einen lieben, herzlichen Dank an alle Spenderinnen und Spender für die Unterstützungsbeiträge! Anbei noch einige Fotos unseres kleinen aber feinen Informationsstandes. Es hat Spass gemacht!
Help for Sven
The Foundation has received an incredible present from Sven and Adelle Magsombol! Sven was only 36 years old when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. After 10 years of battling against it with the support of his wife and his little boy, the disease progressed and he got to the point where a treatment with focused ultrasound was absolutely necessary. As the insurance company refused to cover the medical expenses, this incredibly strong and loving couple decided to raise the money by themselves. They sold private things online, started a fund-raiser at GoFundMe and decided to go public and to post a video on YouTube to raise the awareness and to collect the much needed funds. I guess it can be said that they completed a miracle, because they managed to raise the full amount for the treatment in just 11 days!!! To learn more about their story, please visit: As they now want to help another family to get the medical treatment they need, they decided to continue the fundraising and to donate the proceeds to the Foundation for Cerebral Dysrhythmia. We are deeply grateful for this amazing present!!! It needs a lot of strength and courage to go public and the fact that they decided to do it on behalf of other patients and their families is an incredibly brave gesture! Dear Sven and Adelle, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and our best wishes for your future!
Nous tenons à remercier le Cercle Romand de Soleure pour m’avoir donné l’opportunité de présenter la Fondation lors de leur dernière assemblée, le 21. Avril dernier à l’hôtel de la tour rouge à Soleure. Avec mes meilleures salutations, R. Jeanmonod (administratrice) We would like to thank the „Cercle Romand de Soleure“ for giving me the opportunity to present the Foundation during their last assembly on the 21. of April at the hotel „Roter Turm“ in Solothurn. With my kindest regards, R. Jeanmonod (administrator)