Wealthport provides automated data preparation and integration as a service. Wealthport's artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software helps businesses reduce manual work in product data management by 20x, speed up time-to-market by 90% and increase revenue up to 10%. Wealthport makes this possible by radically improving data quality–automating the data integration, cleaning and categorisation process.
Wealthport features a user-friendly web interface designed for non-technical users. Unlike traditional rule-based ETL or scripting tools, Wealthport is a ‘plug-and-play' system that continuously learns from business expert feedback and adapts to constantly changing data formats, structures, and nomenclatures.
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facebook.comThe fourth industrial revolution: a primer on Artificial Intelligence...
"The last 10 years have been about building a world that is #mobile-first. In the next 10 years, we will shift to a world that is #AI-first.” Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google http://ow.ly/VrjZ307pwKS #dataprep
Careers | Wealthport
Wealthport is hiring: Are you on our most wanted list? https://www.wealthport.com/jobs #bizdev #sales #marketing #cloud #scala #devops #dataprep #jobs #zurich
Top 30 FinTech Startups in Switzerland
Wealthport AI-powered data preparation listed in top 30 startup list of Switzerland: http://fintechnews.ch/top-30-fintech-startups-in-switzerland-2/
Top 30 FinTech Startups in Switzerland
#AI-powered #dataprep listed in top 30 #FinTech #startup #Switzerland list: http://ow.ly/E8GO307fzlZ #BigData #analytics
Careers | Wealthport
We are hiring! Check out currently open #jobs at https://www.wealthport.com/jobs #BigData #Dataprep #AI
Wealthport | Data makes the world go round ....
KPMG Study: Just One-Third of CEOs Trust Data Analytics
Why data preparation helps executives trust their data again: http://ow.ly/Wi99304acq1
5 Phases To Successfully Complete a Data Science Project
How #Wealthport fits into the REASON method of a #datascience project: http://ow.ly/42vy303QeWq #dataprep #AI
5 predictions for 2016 on data, analytics and machine learning
#Data, #dataprep and #analytics growing stronger and stronger: http://ow.ly/ZaxX303QdHc
Careers | Wealthport
#Wealthport is hiring: we are looking for hungry sales talents and #dataprep enthusiasts: http://ow.ly/2kw2303Cl5a #job #careers #sales
Wealthport keeps siroop's data in shape
siroop keeps their data in shape with Wealthport. Read the case study: http://ow.ly/lY0j303ki77
How to use SparkSession in Apache Spark 2.0
Using SparkSession in Apache #Spark 2.0: http://ow.ly/sCPS303h0NB #dataprep #bigdata #analytics via Databricks