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Lerchenfeldstrasse 3, Saint Gallen, Switzerland
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Meet Michelle from the Project Team. She has been a part of the Advertima family for 6 months now. What do our employees think of her? This is what they said: "She is like Wonder Woman. Beautiful, strong and sometimes destructive." "Michelle... I still don't understand how she spends all weekend hiking and camping and comes back to the office on Monday with enough energy to sneak her requirements into our sprints. Despite our battles, I think she really brings us good work and a great mood... But don't tell her I said that!" "Michelle is an enterprising, delightful person from Buchs who always spreads her good mood!" "I see her as enthusiastic and thoughtful, but then again still a bit of a crazy person." #whyadvertima

We are extremely proud to be a finalist for the ICT Newcomer Award 2017, among such illustrious companies: SwissCognitive, bexio, Bricks & Bytes and Recapp It. It is truly an honor. We are especially excited to confirm St.Gallen as THE innovation hub in Switzerland, together with bexio.

startup workstyle #whyadvertima with Josip Budžaki Robin Assmus Milenko Kovacevic Samu T. Russell Paulina Szatanik - Wierzynski

Let's start with our monthly company update!

Nebojsa: “The guy towering over me is our CTO Simon from Stuttgart. He is working daily on the most difficult machine learning and computer vision problems.” Simon: “The guy with the headphones is Neb, machine learning specialist extraordinaire from Serbia. He is one of our first and most valuable employees. He is making my working days better by being well-organized, diligent and fun to work with - even after the most arduous days.” Nebojša: “How Simon is making my days better? I’m not sure if that is his job, but I really appreciate him as the infinite source of knowledge that he is. What he adds and I lack is his capability to remain calm and think rationally in the most stressful situations.” Simon: “What Neb can do that I can’t? Who told you there is something that I can’t do? Well, he might be better at basketball. We have to find out.” #whyadvertima

Advertima is excited to be one of the finalists at Swisscom #StartUpChallenge

Series A closed - CHF 4.8 Mio.!

For once as a visitor at a pitch event. ABC Accelerator Demo Day Ljubljana!

Meet Federico - with 9 months one of our most senior members. #whyadvertima

Meet Milenko - proud member of the Advertima team for 6 months. Ćao, my name is Milenko from St.Gallen and I work for Advertima. The work as business developer is very exciting. You create and implement strategies, that are essential for the future success of the company. I love working for Advertima because we are one big family and no one is left behind. Everybody understands that our work can change the world. #whyadvertima

Thanks start-alp magazine for the article about us!

You are a Web Developer and looking for a new challenge? Take your chance and join our team in Berlin now!


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