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KINCO - for a symbiotic life

Joweid Zentrum 1, Rüti, Switzerland
Community organization



It is the aim of KINCO to participate in the world-wide consumption turnover with the highest share possible going to KINCO members. English Version

KINCO International AG – hereafter called KINCO – is a young dynamic company that operates a business model founded on the internet. KINCO perceives its chances in a market niche that so far has not been accessible to clients and providers in this form.

The business model is based on many years of experience in marketing and above all with client loyalty solutions. Via its specially conceived, unique-in-the-world KINCO Advancement Programme it aims to guide the buying behaviour of clients in such a way that providers of products and services may find increased sales, increased earnings and increased client loyalty.

KINCO is the founder and instigator of the online portal (currently not visible) as well as a guarantor for innovative client retention and client loyalty systems.

Through its envisaged close symbiosis between providers and consumers and its unique Advancement Programme KINCO distinguishes itself clearly from already existing loyalty programmes.

KINCO attempts to build a bridge for and in the interest of millions of consumers and providers, to instigate selling and buying synergies through which all participating parties may draw economic benefits.

By providing newest state-of-the-art IT technologies KINCO redefines the limits of global loyalty programmes and sets new standards in economic as well as in social areas.

Through this alliance between providers and consumers a new Zeitgeist arises that KINCO is launches under the slogan for a symbiotic life.

It is the aim of KINCO to participate in the world-wide consumption turnover with the highest share possible.

Never in the history of internet has a company succeeded in creating buying portal that caters to the wishes and needs of the modern consumer in such an exact way.

Unique Selling Point

KINCO is the first enterprise world-wide who succeeded in developing a global loyalty programme with an integrated economic advancement programme that channels shares of the global rebate turnover to distinguished customer segments in order to advance these economically.

KINCO’s Unique Selling Point aimed at claiming market shares in today’s regional, national and international fields of competition in client loyalty programmes is the KINCO Advancement Programme – a global participation programme as the motor of the KINCO business model. Via the KINCO Advancement Programme an economic participation impulse is started to prompt the customers to integrate the KINCO loyalty programme in their life cycles and to adjust their buying behaviour accordingly.

Around this motor KINCO assembled from different service sectors a stable body that allows KINCO to offer a long-term, attractive as well as lucrative business connection to the differentiated customer segments.

The initiators of this participation programme – with many years of experience in catering to consumers – have researched and analysed the wishes and needs of these consumers. To simply adopt existing loyalty and participation programmes for the KINCO business model was out of the question for them, for KINCO’s marketing identification had to be unique like DNA. When anywhere the term KINCO Advancement Programme is mentioned, the customer must always find the affiliation to KINCO.



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