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SIGA strebt nach einer Welt ohne Energieverluste und ist führend in der Entwicklung, Produktion und im Vertrieb wohngiftfreier Produkte für die luft- und winddichte Gebäudehülle.
SIGA strives for a world of zero energy loss buildings and develops and manufactures high-performance, nontoxic adhesives, tapes and membranes for creating airtight building envelopes.
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facebook.comYesterday, we successfully celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony of the 30 million building project in Schachen to expand our production and build our innovation center. The expansion is a clear commitment to our location in Switzerland. As Robert Küng, the councilor of the government of Lucerne, was delighted: "Each year, 20 to 40 new jobs are created at SIGA and 10 apprentices / trainees are educated. Hats off, thank you and congratulations." We say: You're very welcome! And we also keep you informed about the project at
Tuesday is project day: The best quality is also to be considered when building this skli-lift cottage in Thollon-les-Mémises (Haute-Savoie, France). In use are Majpell 25, Wigluv 60, Sicrall 60 and Majcoat 150.
Is Fentrim now also available as a membrane? Almost. In the "Provincie Huis" project in Antwerp, Belgium, the entire facade is sticked with Fentrim F2 1.5m, according to customer-specific fabrication.
Dienstag ist Objekttag: Majpell 25, Sicrall 60 und Sicrall 170 im Einsatz beim Bau dieses Passivhauses in Chantraine, Frankreich (Departement Vosges). Dokumentiert hat das Ganze unser Kunde persönlich. Tuesday is project day: Majpell 25, Sicrall 60 and Sicrall 170 in use for the construction of this Passive House in Chantraine, France (departement Vosges). The film was made by our customer himself. A Chantraine (département des Vosges, France) un fidèle client SIGA a réalisé cette vidéo : Vous y voyez un construction bois entièrement étanchée à l’air avec Majpell 25, Sicrall 60 et Sicrall 170.
The California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) builds a new residential community named yakʔityutyu and uses SIGA products. Application Engineer Nick shows directly on the building site how SIGA Wigluv is used correctly.
Wir sind ab heute an der Messe Nordbau Neumünster in Deutschland vertreten. Besucht uns in Halle 5 am Stand 5420.
Tuesday is project day: "Le Mouvement Perpétuel" is the largest, as a passive house certified apartment building in the west of France. The building is located in Rennes and includes 40 apartments. The windows are sealed with SIGA Fentrim IS 2 200.
Beim Bau ihrer Holzrahmenhäuser setzt die Stührenberg GmbH aus Rhauderfehn seit eh und je auf höchste Qualität. Um die luft- und winddichte Gebäudehülle gewährleisten zu können, werden die zweischaligen Mauerwerke (wie sie in Norddeutschland üblich sind) auf der Holzkonstruktion mit SIGA Majvest angeschlossen. The company Stührenberg GmbH from Rhauderfehn has always set the highest quality standards in building its wooden frame houses. In order to be able to guarantee an air- and windtight building envelope, the wooden construction is windtight with SIGA Majvest. La société Stührenberg GmbH de Rhauderfehn a toujours comme objectif une haute de qualité de construction de ses maisons en bois. Afin de pouvoir garantir une enveloppe de bâtiment étanche à l’air et à vent, les produits SIGA sont utilisées, comme par exemple avec Majvest.
Our Team from Northern Germany is looking forward to your visit at the trade fair NordBau in Neumünster (13th to 17th September 2017). Come to our stand 5420 in hall 5. NordBau Messe
Would you like to end the last summer days with a overnight stay in the beautiful back country of Lucerne? Then a stay at the charming and uncomplicated SIGA Guesthouse in Ruswil is just the right thing for you. Come over, we are happy to see you.
Currently we are updating our training rooms to provide even more interesting and practical workshops. We are looking forward to see you in the SIGA Academy in Ruswil!
Tuesday is project day: For the construction of this single family home in Burlington (Vermont, USA) the SIGA products Majvest, Wigluv and Fentrim are used.