X-Ray AG
“Human to Human” is the essence of our agency style. Tapping into hearts minds and souls of customers and their customers.
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facebook.comAgency Dog at X-Ray
In the depths of a dark and isolated forest in Switzerland, appeared an illuminated X. The task was clear. Make it BIG, make it bright and make it shine…and thats what we did with 4 boys and 1 dog and a Santa sack full of fun. The following short trailer is a behind the scenes look at the Christmas Visual Shooting for our Newsletter. Please enjoy and seasons greetings to all. This year, instead of a customer gift, we have supported the refugee organisation. www.migrantenhelfen.ch
X-Ray AG on Instagram
Als waschechter Franzose hat man natürlich auch immer ein Baguette unterm Arm. #vorbildlich #photoshopnotphotoshop #stereotype #vivelafrance #baguette #franzose #vamosaparis #oderso #xray #basel #riehen #campainit #crossmedia #agencylife Rémi de Carmantrand
Photos from X-Ray AG's post
Wir wünschen unserem Chef Carlyle alles Gute nachträglich zur Hochzeit. Alles LIEBE für euch Zwei! <3 <3 <3
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Wer von euch errät an welcher kitschig-schönen Shooting-Location wir uns seit 6:30 Uhr befinden?
X-Ray AG
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hier arbeiten nur echte Männer! / only real men are working here! #ponytattoo #realmen #tattoo #tattooedmen #icecream #tattoofrei #graypanther #horsetattoo #lookatmyhorse #myhorseisamazing #bizepscomingsoon #echtemänner #fearless @tattoofrei
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What was always together is now officially “ONE” There will be no significant changes for you with respect to the merge of X-Site AG and X-Ray AG. Nevertheless, you will profit from the following... read more: http://www.x-ray.ch/2016/06/01/what-was-always-together-is-now-officially-one/
X-Ray AG
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Was passiert denn da in Riehen? #beexcited #comingsoon #riehen #basel #marketingagency #agencylife #xray #tobecontinued #vorfreude
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Getränkesortiment erweitert! Bier marsch! #keepcalmanddrinkbeer #savewaterdrinkbeer #beeryoubeermebeerustogether #meetingpoint #einhochaufdiechefs #welovexray #xray #xrayriehen #basel #riehen #agencylife
HOCH DIE HÄNDE WOCHENENDE! #furbyboom #furbyboomlover #xray #riehen #basel #agency #agencylife #decknamefritz #maykoh #happyfriday #hochdiehändewochenende Hans Entertainment