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Chemin de la Fontanettaz 12, Pully, Switzerland



My passion ? To help people move forward in their CAREER and LIFE.

How ? By asking them the right questions.

Does that work ?! People have their own solutions and have the energy to change or improve in their career/life.
But we are often blocked in a "self restrictive or narrow options way of thinking".

Coaching helps to structure your mind, see new options and helps you with the difficult part; to dare to take action... It deals with your fears. Coaching fastens your thinking process so you don't stay undecided for several months/years. It gives you, your answers, because only you know what 'll work for you and it gives you new energy, to feel responsible for the changes you wish to happen and to take action.

Many sessions ? No, after 5 sessions of 1h, you 'll have reached your pre-defined objectif. On your demand, extra sessions could be planned if needed for your development. Max 10h in total, because you'll know how to lead yourself further to your success.

What happens with your career ?
What happens with your dreams ?

Who/ what restricts you ?


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