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15, rue du Ronzier, Nyon, Switzerland



We love yoga and art. Regular yoga and art classes, workshops, retreats home and abroad, massages, yoga shop, and much more!


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Blessing by Sat Guru. Truly bliss, when the passionate accumulation of wealth is replaced by a passion for the accumulation of love! Благословение Истинного Учителя. Поистине блаженство, когда страстное накопление богатства заменяется на страсть к накоплению любви!

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Art plain air and yoga 4-day holiday

Dear soul sisters, Lets share another inner journey together with Art Plain Air and Yoga 4-day retreat near Montreux in Switzerland. The following options available: Thursday - Sunday 10-13 August Thursday - Sunday 17-20 August Thursday - Sunday 24-27 August Thursday - Sunday. 31-3 September Please use the link to choose your preferable dates in August, please enter your name and surname. You may chose few options if you not sure at this stage about the date, later we will finalize. Will host retreat every weekend in August, so any weekend you chose it will be confirmed. We will live as princesses in the beautiful castle, with private parc and mountain pond, enjoying amazing environment, stunning view over Lake Leman and warm atmosphere of love and care towards each other. When women come together for spiritual and creative practices, expect shakti energy boost on all levels: physical, spiritual, energetic. Places are limited for 7 soul sisters. Price is 529chf. Includes: - chateaux accommodation two per room (double bed) - full board vegetarian meals - yoga/meditation classes - plain air classes Feel free to forward it to your girlfriends/sisters/mothers/etc! No men on board:) Looking forward to see you in August ! Much love, Namaste, Sanda Mob. +41787133070

Art plain air and yoga 4-day holiday

Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

Laziness is rust and dust. Realization is best and rest.

Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

Laziness is rust and dust. Realization is best and rest.

Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

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The highest achievement of man is the fall of egoism and anger. Наивысшее достижение человека- падение эгоизма и гневливости.

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The most valuable journey - is spiritual journey to your true Self. Drop by drop the vessel is filled. Самое ценное путешествие - к своему Истинному Я. Капля за каплей наполняется сосуд.

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Rest for the spiritual disciple is work. Work to increase spiritual strength. The spiritual person does not spend a single second in inactivity. This is never ending process of increase of the spiritual forces and light within yourself. Отдых для духовного ученика- это труд. Труд для повышения своих духовных сил. Духовный человек ни секунды не проводит в бездействии. Это вечное повышение духовных сил света в себе.

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Loneliness does not exist for spiritually mature people. Одиночества не существует для духовно зрелых людей.

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Magic Life! 😊 No need to understand it ... The overflowing Love in heart is enough ... So fresh on this plateau, so spacious, so free..., the sky is full of stars, the silence is talking and soul is dancing... Drunken with the nectar of the Mercy of Guru, like a little ship we are swinging on the waves in the ocean of the Heart, moving by Love and Grace of the Guru. Small ships ... in the infinite boundless Ocean ... In the unknown direction, not knowing why... Teacher! Take all of me! I am yours! Let there be only You in the heart! Conduct! Direct! Act through me, love through me ... Forgive my ignorance! Allow me to merge with You! I am yours! I am yours!

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We do not belong to anyone and nobody belongs to us. One day we will have to leave everything we have in this world. So do not waist even a minute, get to know God - meditate continually to realize your Infinite Essence. Вы не принадлежите никому и никто не пренадлежит вам. Однажды, вам придется оставить все , что у вас есть в этом мире. Так не теряйте же не минуты, познакомьтесь с Богом прямо сейчас. медитируйте беспрестанно, чтобы поскорее познать свою Бесконечную Сущность.

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Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

Следующее занятие воздушной йогой на русском 25.04.2017 в 9.30 утра. Девочки, приходите, пусть наши повиселки станут доброй традицией!) всегда приятно смотреть на мир вверх тормашками в приятной компании:)

Photos from YOGA ART CLUB's post

Yoga Art Retreat Mar'2017 Swiss

Yoga Art Retreat Mar'2017 Swiss
