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, Münchenstein, Switzerland
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The Elektrizitätsmuseum is in Münchenstein, in the canton of Basel-Country in Switzerland.The Elektrizitätsmuseum belongs to the electric utility Elektra Birseck Münchenstein, and was opened in 1997. Exhibits explore the history and development of power production and its use. The collection contains rare historic equipment and is complemented by a laboratory in which visitors can experiment with electric power.Special Exhibitions „Rechnen unter Strom“, :„From counting frame to electronic brain“ and „Exclusives from the Basler super brains Bernoulli und Euler“, exhibition in 2006. „Licht - vom Kienspan zur LED“, .Special Exhibition from 14 June 2009 to 15 December 2009. „Kommunikation - Vom Rauchzeichen zum iPhone“, :Special exhibition from 24 October 2010 until 22 May 2011.


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Münchenstein, Switzerland
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Münchenstein, Switzerland
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