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Exquisit Webdesign

Seestrasse 27, Mönchaltorf, Switzerland
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Exquisit Webdesign
Ihre Internetseite in exquisiter Qualität, zu attraktiven Preisen. Wirt machen das Maximum aus Ihrem Budget


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New, unconfirmed Google ranking update ‘Fred’ News sponsored by: / The webmaster and SEO community, along with the automated Google tracking tools, all show strong signs that there was a Google algorithm ranking update. Since yesterday morning, the SEO industry has been watching an unconfirmed Google ranking update that seems to target more of the link quality aspects of the overall algorithm. Many are calling this the Fred Update, a name we’re also adopting. That came from Google’s Gary Illyes, who has jokingly suggested that all updates be named “Fred.” It’s sticking with this one. We’ve seen more chatter and reports of changes from within the “black hat” SEO community, which generally means that this is a spam algorithm update around links. Last time we reported a link spam-related update was in early February, and that update also was unconfirmed by Google. There was also a large content quality Google update on February 7 that was never confirmed. As you expect, Google is very unlikely to confirm algorithm updates these days — but that won’t stop us from reporting large shifts in the search results that convey an algorithm update has happened. Many of the automated tracking tools currently show significant volatility and fluctuations, which is an indicator of an update. Plus, with all the industry chatter, and with webmasters both complaining about ranking declines and rejoicing about ranking increases, it’s likely that there was a Google update. We are waiting to hear from Google if they have any comment. All we have right now are the typical Google lines from John Mueller and Gary Illyes that Google makes updates all the time.

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added feature in the search results Adding Sitelinks search box schema for site search in Google search results News sponsored by: / "For some sites Google will show an added feature in the search results – a sitelinks search box, so that searchers can do a secondary search just for results on your own site. [...] So adding schema to use your own internal search engine from the Google search results will work great if Google is already showing your sitelinks search box in their search results. But don’t expect it to magically appear in the search results simply because you added the markup."

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Webagentur Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich / Hinwil / Volketswil / Gossau

added feature in the search results Adding Sitelinks search box schema for site search in Google search results News sponsored by: / "For some sites Google will show an added feature in the search results – a sitelinks search box, so that searchers can do a secondary search just for results on your own site. [...] So adding schema to use your own internal search engine from the Google search results will work great if Google is already showing your sitelinks search box in their search results. But don’t expect it to magically appear in the search results simply because you added the markup."

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich / Hinwil / Volketswil / Gossau

Google: Don't guest blog for links, use your own site News sponsored by: / "In 2014, Google declared guest blogging for links dead and has penalized guest blog networks time after time since then. So when someone asked Google's John Mueller on Twitter if using a guest blogging platform was a good idea and safe, my jaw dropped."

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich / Hinwil / Volketswil / Gossau

Google: We're still using PageRank after 18 years. News sponsored by: / "Several months ago, Gary Illyes from Google said Google still uses PageRank and this morning, for some reason, Gary felt the need to state that message again on Twitter. He said, 'DYK that after 18 years we're still using PageRank (and 100s of other signals) in ranking?'" The PageRank that is used by Google is not the same as the number that was displayed in Google's toolbar.

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich / Hinwil / Volketswil / Gossau

Google: We're still using PageRank after 18 years News sponsored by: "Several months ago, Gary Illyes from Google said Google still uses PageRank and this morning, for some reason, Gary felt the need to state that message again on Twitter. He said, 'DYK that after 18 years we're still using PageRank (and 100s of other signals) in ranking?'" The PageRank that is used by Google is not the same as the number that was displayed in Google's toolbar.

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich / Hinwil

New Google patent: how search engines see entities and what you have to do about it News sponsored by: Recently, Google was granted a patent with the name "Question answering using entity references in unstructured data". The patent is long and full of technical lingo but if offers some insights into how Google finds relevant information on your web pages. What are entities? According to the patent, an entity is "a thing or concept that is singular, unique, well-defined and distinguishable. For example, an entity may be a person, place, item, idea, abstract concept, concrete element, other suitable thing, or any combination thereof." In other words, an entity is something that people search for on Google. The patent explains how Google might find information on the pages that are not organized in a pre-defined manner, i.e. regular web pages that can have any kind of layout and code design. How do you have to adjust your web pages? Google's algorithms try to find the connections between the different pages and the topics that they find. There are some things that you can do to make sure that Google finds the right "entities" on your pages: 1. Make sure that your pages are relevant to a topic This is quite obvious but many websites still do not have a clear focus on a particular topic. If you want to sell shoes, make sure that your website is relevant to the topic 'shoes' and everything that is related to that topic. Your web pages should not only provide the direct answer to the question of a searcher. It should also contain supporting information. If a searcher has further questions, the answers should be available on your web pages. Google wants to provide solutions on the search result pages. If your web pages provide these solutions, they will be listed in the search results. 2. The structure of your web site is important Of course, it makes sense to use structured markup code on your web pages. It is even better if search engines can find the structure without that code. The navigational elements on your web pages should be clear and concise. If a web page about "tiger" is embedded into a website about golf, search engines will be able to find out that you're talking about the golf player, not the animal. The navigational elements on your website should be clear and concise. Use categories, sub categories and clearly arranged sections. The structure of your web pages should also be visible in the URLs of your web pages and the folder structure on your site. The easier your website visitors can find what they are looking for, the easier it will be for search engines to find relevant content. 3. The structure of your web pages is important Depending on the keywords for which you want to get high rankings, it can be helpful to provide an answer in paragraph format. Google distinguishes different query types. "Who is" queries might prefer solutions that are written in paragraphs while "how do I" queries might prefer answers in bullet lists. Ideally, your website should offer both solutions. If your website has many different pages that explain the topic from many different angles (in a way that looks good to human website visitors), it is more likely that your pages will get high rankings on Google and other search engines. The patent does not contain new information. It just confirms that Google is able to see your website as a whole and that they are able to put your website into a greater context with other websites. Even without dedicated structured data code, your website visitors and search engines should be able to recognize the structure of your website.

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich

Are you ready? 2017 is going to be the year of mobile (with instructions for you) News sponsored by: Last year, mobile devices overtook desktop computers as the primary device to access websites. Although desktop searches remained on a very high level on Google, even more people used their mobile phones to search Google. Having a mobile website is no longer an option. It is a necessity. In this article, we'll show you how to prepare your website for this. A mobile website is a must-have in 2017 Even if you have a mobile-ready website, it is important to check the usability on mobile devices. The fact that your website can be displayed on mobile devices doesn't mean that your site is also easy to use. You will get more page views with a mobile-friendly website. If your website is not mobile-friendly, people are more likely to leave your site. In addition, people are likely to leave your site if it does not load fast enough. Google's mobile-first index Until now, Google ranked web pages based on the desktop version of the site. This is going to change. Google announced that they are working on a mobile-first index that is going to rank pages based on the mobile versions. Google has published several resources that help you to make sure that your web pages are mobile-friendly: • Mobile-friendly websites • Mobile-friendly test • Mobile usability report Mobile optimization checklist There are some things that you should check to make sure that your website works fine on mobile devices: 1. Use responsive website design Google recommends responsive design to make sure that your web pages work with mobile devices. If there isn't any strong reason not to use responsive design, you should use it for your website. Responsive website design makes sure that your web pages 'respond' to different screen sizes. The content is always the same but the design changes based on the size of the screen. The design of your website will be slightly different on desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones. You can simulate this by changing the width of your web browser window. If you use WordPress to create your web pages, just download a responsive template and adjust it to your needs. Other content management systems also offer responsive templates. Changing your website to a responsive design is the very first thing that you should do. 2. Improve the speed of your website The page speed is always important. Even if your website loads fast on a WiFi connection, it might be very slow on a mobile data network. You can test the speed of your website here The test tool will show you the things that could be improved, for example: eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content, enable compression, optimize images, minify CSS, etc. If you use WordPress, you can use plugins (cache, etc.) that will fix these things for you. Google recommends a page loading time of 2-3 seconds. 3. Improve the user experience on mobile Mobile users are goal-oriented. They want to achieve their goal quickly and easily. There shouldn't be a need to zoom, there shouldn't be a confusing navigation and the touch elements should be big enough. Google has published design guidelines that might help you. You can find them here . Here are some things that you can do to make your mobile site easier to use: • Make calls to action easy to see. • Keep your website menu short and sweet. • Provide an easy way to get back to the home page. • Don't distract website visitors from the main goal by adding promotions for other items, etc. • Provide an easy to use site search feature. • Make the shopping experience as easy as possible. • Streamline your forms and use the simplest form item for each task. • Don't make your visitors pinch to zoom. After changing your web pages, let real people test your site. Non-technical people who do not work in your company might find things that you haven't thought of.

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich

How SEO and SEM will help your business Businesses of all sizes can benefit a lot from SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing, also called paid search marketing). You're leaving a lot of money on the table if you do not use SEO and SEM to promote your business. This article explains how to use SEO and SEM to get more paying customers. What is SEM and how can it help your business? Paid search marketing is an easy way to get website visitors. If you advertise your website through SEM, you pay search engines to list your website for particular keywords. When someone searches for that keyword, the search engine will show your ad. You only pay when someone clicks your ad. The biggest advantage of SEM is that you can get listed for any keyword, as long as you have enough money. The biggest disadvantage of SEM is that is costs a lot of money. If you pay for the wrong keywords, you will lose a lot of money. The main SEM providers are Google AdWords and Bing Ads. Google's revenue mainly comes from SEM. What is SEO and how can it help your business? Search engine optimization refers to all activities performed to improve the rankings of your web pages in the organic (unpaid) search results. SEO includes on-page optimization (optimizing the contents of the pages on your website) and off-site optimization (optimizing the links that point to your website). SEO makes sure that search engines can understand the information on your website. If search engines think that your website is relevant to a particular search query, they will show your website as a result for that search query. SEO helps you to show search engines that your website is relevant to these search queries. The biggest advantage of SEO is that you do not have to pay for any clicks. In addition, organic listings usually get many more visitors than the ads that search engines show for a keyword. The biggest disadvantage of SEO is that it takes longer to get listed in the organic search results. How to get the best out of both worlds Both SEM and SEO will help you get your website in front of potential customers. In general, it is best to use both methods: 1. Start with SEM to find the keywords that deliver the best return-on-investment. Paid search marketing is a good way to find the keywords that work best for your business. Eliminate the keywords that will only cost you money and concentrate on the keywords that deliver new customers to your site. 2. Optimize your web pages for these high-performing keywords When you know the keywords that work best for your company, use SEO to optimize the pages of your website for these keywords. If your website is listed in the organic results, you will get many more visitors for a fraction of the cost.

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich

Data: Mobile drives majority of Black Friday traffic, but PCs dominate sales NEWS sponsored by: / "According to Adobe’s data, mobile devices drove more retail site visits (55 percent) than the PC. Most of that was smartphones; only 10 percent of mobile visits came from tablets. Today, Cyber Monday, the company reports that mobile is responsible for 56 percent of site visits (46 percent from smartphones) and 38 percent of sales. [...] Though still challenging, browsing and buying on mobile sites is getting better. And the identified gap between mobile traffic and conversions argues m-commerce would (and will) eclipse the PC as mobile user experiences improve."‎

EXQUISIT WEBDESIGN / Mönchaltorf / Webseiten / CMS / Internetseiten / Webshop E-Commerce/ Homepage / Joomla / Uster / Meilen / Uetikon / EGG / Rapperwil / Zürich

What is an outbound link penalty and how can you avoid it? NEWS sponsored by: / Did you know that Google can penalize your website if you link to the wrong pages? Your website might be penalized because of some links to other websites, even if you did not add these links intentionally to your site. What is an outbound link penalty? If Google detects many links to spam pages on your website, Google can think that your website is a source of spam and your website will be penalized. This can be a site-wide penalty (all pages of your website will be penalized), and it can be a page penalty (only the page with the spam links will be penalized). Penalized websites and pages do not get high rankings in Google's search results. How can you avoid an outbound link penalty? Avoiding an outbound link penalty is easy: 1. Do not link to spam websites If a website is obviously trying to deceive search engines and/or customers then do not link to that website. In addition, do not link to websites that offer tools and services that help you to deceive your customers and/or search engines. 2. Be careful with links in user created content If your website offers a public forum or public comments, make sure that the links that your website users post in the forum and the comments use the rel=nofollow attribute. You can also disable links to other websites at all and display URLs as plain text in user comments. 3. If you allow guest posts on your website, check the links Of course, a guest post can contain links to other websites. However, you should check these links to make sure that the guest posts do not contain links to spam sites. 4. Do not add paid links to your website If the other website offers some kind of compensation for the link (money, goods or services), Google might think that the link is a paid link. That's not good and it can trigger a penalty. Don't forget: linking to other websites is good Links to other sites add value to your website. The websites to which you link help your website visitors to put your website into a larger context. If you link to high-quality sites with useful content, web surfers will associate your website with these high-quality sites. If you do not link to other websites then you simply send your visitors back to search engines. Carefully chosen links to outside resources can improve the experience of the visitors who visit your website.
