Description / ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein der auf private Basis Spenden sammelt und diese als Direkthilfe an Projekte vor Ort zuweist.
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facebook.comTwo years have passed since the devastating earthquakes hit Nepal. We would like to express our solidarity to all who were affected by the disaster, and to all those who still suffer from the effects. Mona, Maria and Sören
THANK YOU to all who contributed in moving forward’s projects in 2016. We are very happy about the progress of all our programs. The pupils demonstrated impressively their improvement in English. Pokali school rebuilding relief: first stone setting ceremony was undertaken in November 16. Inauguration of the new building is expected in January. Good luck to the community who does a great job! Flower grinding “Billy Mill” initiative: Initial test courses and feasibility study was considered as absolutely successful. In 2017 we will therefore focus on the development of this project We support young professionals, such as e.g. carpenters, in their training and the step towards independence by involving them in the production of flower grinding mills. Production takes place in cooperation with the vocational school of the Asha Education Foundation in Pokhara. The enthusiasm and professionalism of the local responsible leadership team involved as well as the powerful set up of the organization gives us the absolute confidence that the Billy Mill project will have a good start and a successful future. Please take our best wishes for happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017
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BILLY MILL Development Project has started!! We are very happy to support the recently opened vocational school in Pokhara by providing components for the mill development project in cooperation with association (Switzerland). The first training session has already taken place and was considered as very successful. The purpose of the school and the mill development project is to educate young Nepalese in their technical skills and support them in the way into their professional future. We like to express our appreciation and respect to all involved. Thank you to Ingrid, Barbara, Narayan and Kul for the efforts done to start this ambitious project. Well done!
EINLADUNG zum Informationsabend / Verein Ein Jahr nach den Erdbeben in Nepal möchten wir die Gelegenheit wahrnehmen, unsere Arbeiten vorzustellen, zukünftige Projekte zu zeigen und ein Dankeschön auszusprechen. Der Abend wird abgerundet mit einem traditionellen Gericht dem Dal Bhat (Reis Linsen Gemüse) und sonstigen Leckereien. Wir laden herzlich ein zu den beiden Informationsanlässen 09 Juni in Maienfeld, Lurgasstorkel bei Sonja und Markus Lampert 10 Juni im Zollikerberg, Pfarreizentrum der Katholischen Kirche St. Michael Prov. Zeitplan: Ab 18 Uhr Apéro, ab 19 Uhr Präsentationen und Znachtessen. Details folgen nach der Anmeldung. Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis 1. Juni 2016 per E-Mail/ an Monika Kohler mit Angabe der Anzahl Teilnehmer. Seid willkommen. Wir haben Platz! Wir freuen uns und grüssen herzlich! Mona Kohler und Sören Rasmussen Kontakt: