Jail Hotel Luzern
Das Gefängnishotel besitzt insgesamt 56 Zellen und unter anderen auch vier spezzielle Themensuiten The Jail Hotel
The prison was built in 1862. This ultimate location was chosen, because in that time there was still a moat in the street in front of the building.
Before this prison was built, inmates were locked up in eight different towers in town. During the age of enlightenment people first started to think about prison an the reason of locking people up. On the 1st of October 1862 the prison official opened and didn`t close until 1998. Only one year later, in 1999 , the Jailhotel opened. During the last 30 years though, only remand prisoners and conscientious objectors stayed in this prison. Although this prison had only space for 55 inmates, there were more that most of the time. The prison also had a guillotine, which is now in the museum of history in Lucerne. In 1998 the prison Grosshof in Kriens was build the new prison outside the city were safety and space.
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Setzte mit uns die Fasnacht fort mit einem passendem Kostüm. Continue with us the carnival with a matching costume.
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Die Luzerner Fasnacht, ist der grösste jährlich stattfindende Anlass der Stadt Luzern und der Zentralschweiz. Die Fasnacht ist für viele Besucher die schönste Jahreszeit überhaupt. Der Umzug beginnt diesen Donnerstag um 05:00 Uhr mit dem Urknall. Komm verkleidet und vertreib mit uns den Winter. The Lucerne carnival «Fasnacht» is the biggest annual event in Lucerne and in central Switzerland. Fasnacht, for many visitors, is the most beautiful time of the year; starting this Thursday at 05:00 am with the Big Bang. Come join us masqueraded to chase off the winter.
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#Willkomen in Jail Hotel Luzern ♥️😘😉
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Gefängnishotel Jail Hotel Luzern