Artmyn Technology offers a new standard for the way Fine Art can be displayed, appreciated and experienced on screen Artmyn provides a disruptive solution for highly accurate digitization of visual artworks, with interactive rendering on mobile devices and accessible via a simple web browser.
A unique portable scanner captures gigabytes of data describing the artwork in its finest details, which, along with proprietary web technologies, result in a true-to-life visualisation.
This complete new experience allows users to embark on an emotional journey where digital replicas can be explored just as if the originals were in their very own hands.
Artmyn technology is touchscreen responsive and has the unique capacity to combine the following features:
3D Visualisation & Topography of planar artworks
Unprecedented HD Resolution
Virtual Relighting - the capacity to relight the digital replica in real time from any angle and direction
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ARTMYN is in NYC...! Find where exactly! with Alexandre, Julien, Matthieu, Pierre, Loïc and Damien

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ARTMYN at TEFAF Maastricht with AXA ART lounge
50 start-up triées sur le volet
ARTMYN selected among the 50 startups of the year by Swiss magazine Bilan!
Photos from ARTMYN's post
Pierre Soulages discovered today the exhibition dedicated to his work on Outrenoirs at EPFL Artlab (Switzerland). What an honour and pride to show him and his wife what ARTMYN did for this exhibition! -->

ARTMYN (@ARTMYN_CH) posted a photo on Twitter
#pierresoulages and Colette discover ARTMYN technology: "#Outrenoirs sophistication & elegance revealed!"#EPFLArtLab
Retweeted swissnex Boston (@swissnexBoston): #startupnews: @Sothebys announces collaboration w/ Swiss Startup Artmyn, #EPFL spin-off & #vleadersNYC participant!
ARTMYN Partnership Brings Art to Life on Sotheby's Blog
Retweeted Sotheby's (@Sothebys): Discover how ARTMYN's pioneering scanning and display technology brings art to life:
Retweeted Sotheby's (@Sothebys): Pleased to announce Swiss start-up ARTMYN will bring pioneering 5D scanning technology to major h/lights this spring
ARTMYN at the WEF Davos 2017
Retweeted Sarah Horvat (@SarahHorvat): Really cool #art #tech-> Watch “ARTMYN at the WEF Davos 2017” on #Vimeo
La start-up vaudoise Artmyn signe avec Sotheby’s
ARTMYN and Sotheby's hand in hand in 2017!
Photos from ARTMYN's post
Contemporary artist Bernard Garo is drawing his inspiration from earth, nature and architecture to paint in his unique powerful style. From 27 JANUARY to 26 MARCH 2017, a grand retrospective exhibition will be held at the Espace Arlaud in Lausanne, Switzerland, to display his most authoritative artworks. Mark the date and come along! Vernissage/public preview : 26 January 2017 de 18.00 à 20.30 Coming soon on ARTMYN!
