YOGA YES! Kids, Adults and Community Yoga classes at the Warteck near Wettsteinplatz in Basel. More info - +41 76 422 01 38.
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So how goes the holiday season for you? Are you remembering to relax? HAPPY HOUR YOGA may be calling you! Join me tomorrow night at the Warteck, 18:15 - 19:30. Then you and your body will both be saying AHHHHH....... ;-)
This is the kind of energy we create at Friday night HAPPY HOUR YOGA. Come join us! Class this Friday, Dec. 2, 18:15 - 19:30 at the Warteck in Klein Basel. Offered on a donation basis. Let me know you're coming.
Yoga Retreat 12-18 Feb 2017 - Ko Chang Noi Thailand
I am so excited to be part of this retreat in Thailand, coming up in February. Read about it below - want to join me? Just get in touch and I'll fill you in on all the details. 🌞
YES, THERE IS HAPPY HOUR YOGA TONIGHT, FRIDAY! (next week and the following weeks as well!) No sunshine like this picture, but we can create our own light. Love to have you join me at the Warteck. Class begins at 18:15.
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Gentle Strengthening Yoga. Join me Tuesday mornings, 11 - 12 or for Restorative Yoga, Friday mornings, 11-12:30. Contact me for details.
Practicing the Dharma In Uncertain Times - Jack Kornfield
Let's come together for a HAPPY HOUR YOGA practice, tomorrow evening at the Warteck, 18:15 - 19:30. We will do lots of COMMUNITY YOGA, as I feel it's what is called for now. Hope to have you join. Let me know please.
Forgot to say...HAPPY HOUR YOGA is from 18:15 - 19:30. Love to see you there!
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HAPPY HOUR YOGA - DIFFERENT LOCATION THIS WEEK! THIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016, CLASS IS at the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY MUSIC SCHOOL (ICMS) Fürstensteinerstrasse 85, 4053 Basel. 18:15 - 19:30 Please join me! And for THIS WEEK, NO DONATIONS. What I am asking that you do instead is help spread the word about my classes, and about ICMS. ICMS is a very special music school - filled with caring teachers and students from all over the world. It is their mission to teach children to grow as international citizens, facilitating integration as they learn music. I am so excited to be involved with the school and to be offering yoga there. ICMS is in a beautiful new location, and we are all working hard to find students for music and yoga so we can make it all work. And that's where you come in. Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in music or yoga classes. Music, movement, and community. These are things that fill our lives with beauty and joy. There is good stuff happening here! Please check out their webpage - http://icmsbasel.com. My classes there are on Tuesday mornings, Gentle Strengthening Yoga from 11 - 12, and Friday mornings, Restorative Yoga from 11 - 12:30. Contact me with questions. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
BBC Radio Norfolk
My heroine...I wanna be just like her when I grow up...I mean old...I mean never grow up...I mean young? Oh yeah.. Jean Boylan Wolfe Vanessa Gatelein Violeta Karalic Jean Jellinek Carol Melissa West Ginny Nadler Donna Gerrard Laura Spradley Valeri McKinleytopel AND...let's go RESTORATIVE YOGA! Class starts tomorrow - Fridays 11- 12:30. Join me!
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HAPPY HOUR YOGA FRIDAY - at the Warteck, offered on a donation basis. Check out this page for more info and message me if you're coming!
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MORE YOGA! YAY! Can you feel it calling to you, to your body? Next week I will start two new classes...Tuesday mornings, GENTLE STRENGTHENING YOGA from 11 -12 and Friday mornings, RESTORATIVE YOGA from 11 - 12:30. Both held at ICMS (International Community Music School) Fürstensteinerstrasse 85, 4053 Basel Want to feel better in your body now? Join one or both classes! PM me or email me at rylla@theexpatexperience.com.
Over 60
Laughter yoga anyone? Here you go!!!