The Miracle of Change
Gentle touch of 32 points on the head called the Access Bars can bring about A Miracle of Change. Using the Tools of Access Consciousness we change the world and our reality we live in very easily and quickly. All of Life comes with Ease and Joy and Glory is the famous "mantra" of Access. The goal reached by using these Tools is to Create an Inner Space To Be. This in returns creates a Life of Ease and Joy and Glory.
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facebook.comWhilst having my hair cut in Rome. I leave tomorrow for Zurich after the CF Class and the BYCF Class in Rome, with mixed feelings. I feel I am neither here nor there in life. Kind a lost somewhere! Hanging in the air. A leaf in mid air not yet landed. A past doesn't seem to attract me and keep me home. The Future is being created. The present an "Empty Space" with no reference points. I seem to know nothing and no body. Especially myself. The "construct" of "me" has been removed and a new "construct of me" is under construction! Nothing to look forward to, nothing to expect for I know not what to look forward and what to expect. Sounds boring and sad but it's not. Just Being with what IS.
Whilst having my hair cut in Rome. I leave tomorrow for Zurich after the CF Class and the BYCF Class in Rome, with mixed feelings. I feel I am neither here nor there in life. Kind a lost somewhere! Hanging in the air. A leaf in mid air not yet landed. A past doesn't seem to attract me and keep me home. The Future is being created. The present an "Empty Space" with no reference points. I seem to know nothing and no body. Especially myself. The "construct" of "me" has been removed and a new "construct of me" is under construction! Nothing to look forward to, nothing to expect for I know not what to look forward and what to expect. Sounds boring and sad but it's not. Just Being with what IS.
The Body is nourished through sex when combined with ❤️ Love. Sex, becomes a consumer good, like "junk food" when it loses it's nourishing components of Love causing a certain amount of addiction. Ask your Body what it would like to have!
Returned yesterday from Stockholm after a three day Advanced Body Class with Gary which was "A Magical Mystery Tour". I am like an Open Book with unwritten pages! A New Beginning. Thank you Dear Gary for the Gift You Are and the Gifts You showered on us all. Cant wait to see you in Rome to take part and Be more Magic.
Change with Ease Joy & Glory!
Experience the Miracles of Change!
A valuable Gift to you.
Our responsibility.
Changing the World Being Beautiful
Another game changer.
Change with relaxation
Today the Universe presented me with a Miracle. The miracle of destroying the values and virtues I lived my through all these past years. In fact it is my entire life. The kind-ness, good-ness, empathy, sincer-ity, generos-ity etc have been removed and are not the parameters of how my life is being lived anymore. It seems the Universe has taken away all the “ity-ness” of my life. All the labels of identification, mental portraits and the frames of mind are no more. What’s left is an immense “Space of Clarity” where nothing exists and yet everything and all exists. Though this may sound like confusion and chaos it is neither. The Space of Clarity is the Space where all possibilities exists allowing more spontaneity in life and Being more Present in the This Very Moment of Life I Live. Thank You Universe. How does this get any better than this?