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1 Kindergarten 4 Koy Maeng

Merzweg 11, Kappel, Switzerland
Non-profit organization



Wir haben einen Kindergarten für Koy Maeng in Kambodscha gebaut. Und nun unterstützen wir laufend weitere private Hilfsprojekte vor Ort.  Relief project "1 Kindergarten 4 Koy Maeng"

To go to kindergarten - in Koy Maeng this always means danger, for all the children from this and three surrounding villages. Because of the now 60-year-old shed where the teaching takes place, being more than dilapidated and highly unstable. In the rainy season the bottom of the building is completely flooded by the monsoon and the children can not be in the nursery.
What might be cause for joy for pupils in the west, is not joyful at all in Cambodia: A total of 750 families are dependent on the kindergarden. The children not only go to class there, but will also be savoured by the adjacent monastery, which is a great relief for many poor families.
It is a strange feeling for the parents to send their child to a kindergarten which could collapse over their children head any day. But until now, they have no other choice.

These children are the future of this country. Only educated children will later be able to help Cambodia evolve and emancipate itself.

How you can help:

To build a new and stable kindergarten, at least 54,000 Swiss-francs are necessary.

Come to the big charity event on 10 November 2013 in Bienken Hall in Oensingen.

Whether you enjoy the Asian buffet, participate in the auction after the concert buy a CD or something self-made carefully crafted by students from the nearby Gaeu schools or purchase something at the market: Any help, any donation is welcome, no matter how small or large.

We are getting some celebrity support by World-class Formula 1 driver Adrian Sutil, who will be present at the event itself, to talk about his commitment to charity and of course to give autographs as well.

The benefit concert with tenor Patrick von Castelberg, singer Eveline Suter and friends completes this evening musically.

You want to be a sponsor for this event? Then please contact us via this Facebook page!

Thank You!


NEAR 1 Kindergarten 4 Koy Maeng