Fondation Brocher
We aim to encourage interdisciplinary research on the ethical, legal and social implications for humankind of recent medical research and new technologies This non-profit foundation was created under Swiss private law by Mr and Mrs Jacques and Lucette Brocher.
Its purpose, since the demise of its founders, is to host scientists and experts in the ethical, legal and social implications of the development of medical research and biotechnologies in the Hermance domain.
The Foundation encourages multidisciplinary research around this new field of research strongly linked to society by involving law, anthropology, history, bioethics and philosophy …
Its Board relies on a Scientific Committee composed of international experts.
Since its launching in 2006, the Brocher Foundation has backed the publication of hundreds of books and articles which are the fruits of the scientific stays and symposia.
Within a few years, the Brocher Foundation has become a meeting and reflexion venue acknowledged by the experts of the most reputed universities.
The Brocher Domain is made of eight buildings spread over about three acres of ground. The Foundation has a statutory obligation to maintain the property: the main house called Villa that was restored in 2010, the Brocher Centre commissioned in 2006, the lodge, the Chaumière (formerly the garage), the Orangerie, the Pavillon des bois (formerly the woodshed), the boathouse and finally the Gloriette.
Since 21 December 2006, the whole Domain is registered in the inventory of the Monuments and Sites department of the Canton Geneva.
In short, the ELSI are:
They are the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications* of the medical and biotechnologies progress. “Social" in the broadest sense: economic, anthropological, psychological, philosophical, historical, sociological, political...
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