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EMS 4 Athletes

Wylstrasse 11b, Hergiswil, Switzerland
Professional Service



Sie können bei uns mit nur 20 Minuten Zeitaufwand Ihre Figur trainieren,Körperfett reduzieren,Cellulite bekämpfen,Kraft verbessern,Ihre Muskeln stärken  


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Mit EMS Training verbessern Sie nicht nur Ihre Kraft, ihre Rumpfstabilität , Ihre Kraftausdauer und Ausdauer sondern auch Ihre Flexibilität. Und als positive Nebenerscheinung bekämpfen Sie Cellulite und straffen ihre Haut. Melden Sie sich für eine unverbindliche Beratung #EMSTrainingHergiswil #Fitcouple #Health

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Amazing strong and fit couple :-) " Couples who train together stay together !!! " #EMStraininghergiswil #fitcouple #health

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6 minutes Plank workout

6 minutes Plank workout Beitragende: Du (Besitzer) und Meghan Lichtinghagen vor 2 Sekunden aktualisiert 7 reasons to put Planks into your workout routine: 1. You will improve your core definition and performance. 2. You will decrease your risk of injury in the back and spinal column. 3.You will experience an increased boost to your overall metabolism. 4. You will significantly improve your posture. 5. You will improve overall balance. 6. You will become more flexible. 7. You will witness mental benefits. Have fun :-) #EMS Trainiing Hergiswil# #Fit couple# #Health# #EMS Training#

6 minutes Plank workout

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Did you know that the avocado pit is a super food? works anti-inflammatory in your intestines and helps against diarrhea 2.supports weight loss by its thermogenetically features. 3.very high in antioxidants and supports anti ageing. 4.The oil of the avocado pit is very similar to olive oil and makes your hair shiny 5.contains active substances which regulate thyroid activity, therefore it helps against obesity. Perfect for smoothies or you can also make a tea of it. Enjoy and have a great day #EMS Hergiswil #Health # fit couple #EMS Training

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EMS Personal Training

Improve your posture, improve your strength, improve your power endurance, improve your performance in other sports and tone your muscles

EMS Personal Training

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Der grösste Reichtum ist deine Gesundheit☀️

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What is EMS training? EMS stands for Electric Muscle Stimulation. Technically, EMS is a total body workout with body current. In this context, it might be helpful to know that our muscles contract through electric impulses (bioelectronics) in normal state. The EMS training makes use of this effect. By employing hardly noticeable external electro impulses, the natural effect is additionally intensified and an effective training can be achieved. What are the benefits of EMS? EMS training is in gyms, wellness and beauty centers, as well as in competitive sport, rehabilitation and medicine. Elite athletes use EMS in addition to their training in order to improve their strength and speed. Physical therapists make use of EMS for joint-sparing muscle formation and for targeted back exercises. Personal trainers, gyms and beauty centers concentrate on the fitness and beauty aspects: body shaping through muscle formation and catabolism of fat, stimulation of metabolism and tightening of connective tissue. Can you do EMS training in the long term? Yes. You should workout in long term and as regularly as with conventional training. The strength of the muscles can only be maintained by training regularly. If you do not workout over an extended period of time, the muscles will be reduced to the original status. Just like with conventional strength training.


Haben Sie nicht viel Zeit und wollen keine Ewigkeit im Fitnessstudio verbringen???Wollen Sie schnelle Resultate sehen und spüren??Legen Sie Wert auf hervorragende Betreuung???Ein kurzes 20 minütiges Training bei uns mit elektrischer Muskelstimulation kann Ihnen genau das bieten. Schauen Sie sich unsere Webseite an : Wir freuen uns darauf Sie kennenzulernen. Do you have a tight schedule and you don't want to spent an eternity in the gym?Do you want to see and feel quick results??Is personal care important to you??A short 20 minutes workout with us by doing an elektro muscle stimulation workout can provide exactly what what you need. In German or in Englisch :-) Check out our website We look forward to meeting you

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EMS 4 Athletes's cover photo

EMS 4 Athletes

EMS 4 Athletes
