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Rue de Lausanne 63, Geneva, Switzerland
Franchising Service



ALPARQ provides aerial parks operated on a franchise basis.

ALPARQ fournit des parcs accrobranches par le biais d’un système de franchise. Based in Geneva, ALPARQ is a limited liability company incorporated under Swiss law providing aerial parks operated on a franchise basis.

With this business model, ALPARQ Sàrl can offer members of its franchise network a wide array of products and services.

Thanks to its proven experience, its technical know-how and its ongoing safety concern, ALPARQ is the right partner to accompany you in the design, the construction and the management of an aerial park.

ALPARQ est une société à responsabilité limitée de droit suisse domiciliée à Genève qui fournit des parcs accrobranches sur la base d’un système de franchise.

Grâce à son expérience éprouvée, à son savoir-faire technique et à son souci permanent de la sécurité, ALPARQ est le partenaire idéal pour vous accompagner dans la conceptualisation, la construction et l’exploitation d’un parc accrobranche.


ALPARQ à la une ! Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer, que le quotidien online Tunisien "", a mentionné la société ALPARQ comme faisant partie des 5 meilleures opportunités d’investissements dans le domaine de la franchise en Tunisie ! Il s’agit là d’une excellente nouvelle qui reflète bien le dynamisme et le formidable potentiel économique de la franchise ALPARQ. Nous remercions nos confrères Tunisiens, ici le site Infotunisie pour leur travail de recherche, cette formidable vitrine et sans plus attendre, nous vous invitons à consulter l'article, bonne lecture !" Bonjour à tous ! Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le deuxième épisode de "Saviez-vous que?" par Alparq #2. N'hésitez pas à nous laisser votre avis ! Assurez-vous d'aimer et de partager cette vidéo :) Bon visionnage.

Bonjour à tous ! Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le premier épisode de "Saviez-vous que?" par Alparq #1. N'hésitez pas à nous laisser votre avis ! Assurez-vous d'aimer et de partager cette vidéo :) Bon visionnage. Hello everyone, Today we invite you to watch this incredible video! Through this video you will see two athletes, one champion and a brand new world speed climbing record ! How long would it take you to climb this wall ? Let us know and give us your thoughts:) Also, don't forget to like and share this video, thanks. Have an excellent week! Hello everybody, we invite you to go on our YouTube profile so you can see videos that will immerse you into Alparq fascinating universe. Make sure to subscribe to our page. Also we invite you to leave comments, we would be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Have an excellent day at work or at home :)

Hello everybody, we're glad to introduce you the second episode of "Did you know ?" by Alparq #2 . Make sure to like and share this video. Also give us your thoughts, thanks :) Good viewing ! Hello everybody, we're glad to introduce you the first episode of "Did you know ?" by Alparq. Make sure to like and share this video. Also give us your thoughts, thanks :) Today we head back to 1947, for the Lincoln Park opening day! Through this video, you will discover what happened to this ancestor of the amusement park. Give us your thoughts about this masterpiece. Also, make sure to like and share this post, thanks. Hello everybody! Today let’s meet with Bruno, a man that has spent nearly a lifetime building an amusement park by hand! We let you discover his creation through this great video! Also, make sure to like and share this post, thanks. Hello everybody! Today we head to Germany for a delightful experience with the « GRAVE YARD KIDZ »! Give us your thoughts about this incredible video! Also, make sure to like and share this post, thanks. Have you ever wondered how an adventure park is built? The answer through this wonderful video. Also, make sure to like and share this post, thanks. As we already told you Switzerland is a wonderland! Still have doubts ? Let’s take a look at this incredible video that has gone viral! Give us your thoughts about this sensational video 😊 Don’t forget to like and share this post, thanks.


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