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Transcendental Meditation Switzerland

Avenue Wendt 56, Geneva, Switzerland



Official page for Transcendental Meditation in Switzerland. To find the TM teacher nearest you please visit: or call: +41 22 890 10 08 The Transcendental Meditation technique allows one's mind to settle inward, beyond thought, to a field of harmony and coherence at the source of thought. In this state of restful alertness, the brain functions more orderly and the body gains a deep state of rest.

The natural sciences have discovered innumerable physical laws, describing nature's orderly functioning with mathematical precision. The same field of organizing power that upholds order and harmony in nature resides also within each of us, and is directly accessed through the practice of Transcendental Meditation technique.


An Introductory talk on Transcendental Meditation in Lausanne

Reserve your place now for our next TM course in Lausanne here: We get stressed when our nervous system is unable to get the special quality of rest it needs to recover completely from everything life throws at us. If we are deprived of anything natural, there are eventually serious consequences. Severe sleep loss leads to the brain taking mini-sleeps when we are awake. And that can be disastrous. If we are deprived of dream, such as when sleeping pills are taken long term, we begin to hallucinate during the day. Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple and reliable way of freeing the mind from the vicious circle of activation. That is all that is needed - give the mind a break. The mind needs short periods of silence, regularly. Different kinds of meditation are as different as different types of medication. Some techniques discipline the mind, some explore new avenues of understanding, some monitor the present stream of consciousness. None of these involve transcending. They don't allow the mind to go beyond sensation, beyond thought, beyond activity altogether. Learn more on this and other TM benefits with Guénaël Boucher in Lausanne – attend a short course in English with an experienced teacher for a lifetime of benefits. TM is a simple, natural mental technique for transcending: allowing the mind to naturally settle down to a state of pure awareness, of inner silence and serenity. The body gains deep rest and stress and fatigue naturally dissolve. The results are felt almost immediately and regular practice brings increasing energy, creativity, confidence and bliss. All are welcome - please register now!

An Introductory talk on Transcendental Meditation in Lausanne

“I remember opening my eyes after my first meditation, seeing things around me somehow glowing."

Meet Leonard Stein, who has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for over 36 years. He is a TM teacher and the director of the David Lynch representative office in Geneva, Switzerland. Join us to learn more about his journey and the impact which TM has had on his life.

Trump, Hillary or Sanders: Seven reasons why the next US president should meditate

"Running for president is thought to be among the hardest, most stressful, and emotionally exhausting experiences one can imagine. As a psychiatrist, my natural instinct is to try to understand what advice would be most helpful to give to the winning candidate. If asked, I would quote Victor Hugo, who said: 'Meditate. All is full of light, even the night.'"

Satu's Reflections

"My morning meditation prepares me for the day, but still, some days, I’m already in complete work mode when I start and I struggle to keep meditating and not to start mentally working on different tasks. The mind is a tricky thing, it definitively has a mind of its own. But as Guénaël says, it’s normal and part of the process."

Discussions Around Meditation

"It feels like Transcendental Meditation has been part of my life ‘forever’. I actually had to check my calendar because I could not believe it’s only been a bit over two months since I went to my introduction talk, but yes, it is true."

The Supreme Awakening: What Did Buddha, Emerson, Einstein and Saint Teresa have in Common?

An ongoing theme in human culture is the possibility of experiencing the true nature of that slippery thing called reality, whether glimpsed momentarily or lived as a continuous state of being.

The Silence Revolution

At first, it may seem odd to put the words Silence and Revolution together. How does a ‘Silence Revolution’ work?

The Technique for Inner Peace and Wellness

"Having that inner peace after meditation really emboldened me to deal with things I had been just stuffing away."

The Technique for Inner Peace and Wellness

“Just meditate and grow some tomatoes”: John Stamos zooms into the essence of existence

"To sit for 20 minutes a day and not be on my computer, phone or texting is empowering…. It clears my mind to let good things in.” - click to read more about how Transcendental Meditation has helped keep John Stamos grounded!

Meditation leads to increased intelligence: Improve your skills and abilities!

Stress has a damaging effect on mental functioning, but meditation clearly enhance one’s intelligence - read more to find out how!

Join us on April 8th in Carouge!

A few seats still remain for this week's showing of David Lynch’s captivating documentary MEDITATION CREATIVITY PEACE – reserve yours now!


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