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LaCrème Gmbh

Rotenwies 2, Gais, Switzerland



Many thanks for your interest in Smart-Aging, the
sophisticated care for more mature skin. Experience
the natural solution for it with . The people from Appenzell look after and experience their traditions. It is therefore no surprise that people
fi nd themselves particularly close to nature in this picturesque corner of eastern Switzerland which features
the breath-taking mountain world of the Alpstein. Coupled with a certain spirit of innovation, this affi nity with
nature creates awareness of high quality.
Values that make La!Creme noticeable and tangible: developed on the basis of recipes from Appenzell that
have been handed down, this piece of innovation is more than just a stress-free experience for the skin. This is
because it is smart skin care. Thanks to the consistent use of over 20 natural essences as well as fl ower extracts,
which enrich the apricot oil base. In line with the literal meaning of “natural”, La!Creme contains no allergic
substances that might cause problems such as parabens and fragrances. The effects speak for themselves – and
therefore for La!Creme: regenerative, discreet fragrant freshness, noticeable skin tightening and visible smoothing
of wrinkles. La!Creme also has anti-infl ammatory effects and is absorbed remarkably quickly (NB without
closing the pores so that your skin can breathe).
Experience La!Creme and you will notice what energy our dermatologists
and laboratories create from Appenzeller nature - for Smart-Aging.


Appenzeller pflegen und leben ihre Traditionen. Was
kaum verwundert, fühlen sich die Menschen in dieser
malerischen Ecke der Ostschweiz doch der Natur
besonders nahe, sind geprägt von der
atemberaubenden Bergwelt des Alpsteins. Gepaart
mit einem gewissen Innovationsgeist entsteht aus
dieser Naturverbundenheit ein Bewusstsein für hohe
Werte, die La!Creme spür- und erlebbar macht: Auf
Grundlage überlieferter Appenzeller Rezepturen
entwickelt, verspricht dieses Stück tradierte Innovation
mehr als nur entspanntes Hauterlebnis. Nämlich
Hautpflege smarter Art. Freude verspricht La!Creme
nicht zuletzt auch Ihrem Portemonnaie. Denn im
Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Cremes erweist sich
La!Creme als bis zu 3fach ergiebiger.
Erleben Sie La!Creme. Und spüren Sie, was unsere
Dermatologen und Labore an Energie aus der
Appenzeller Natur schöpfen - für Smart-Aging.

