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Career Days Fribourg

Boulevard de Pérolles 90, Fribourg, Switzerland
Non-Profit Organization



Seize the chance and participate at Career Days Fribourg! The event will take place from Ferburary 29th- March 4nd 2016 at Unifr !



Career Days Lausanne

Career Days Lausanne

Jeunes@work workshop - Convaincre à un entretien d'embauche

We hope you enjoyed the fair day so far, but we are not finished with the opportunities! If you wish to get great advices for your CV and company interviewing process & recruitment insights, do not miss this event. IMPORTANT: Today, it will be about the theorethical knowledge. You can sign up just at the event, for the practice tomorrow. Career Days partners are preparing you for the professional world. Details below. Looking forward to have you!

Jeunes@work workshop - Convaincre à un entretien d'embauche

CHANGEMENT DE SALLE : le test de niveau d'anglais offert par EF se déroulera à 15h15 en salle d'ordinateurs A101 ! Oubliez pas vos écouteurs, si vous en avez :)

Et pour ceux qui ont les cours cet après-midi, EF offre une deuxième session, pour tester votre niveau d'anglais à 15h15 en salle F230 !

Aujourd'hui, à Pérolles, EF vous propose un test de niveau de langue gratuit ! PRENEZ VOS ECOUTEURS. Venez découvrir votre niveau d'anglais en salle F230 de 12h45 à 13h45 et ajoutez cette information capitale à votre CV ! Dans la mesure du possible, venez vous inscrire au stand de EF sinon rendez-vous directement en salle :D LE TEST SE FAIT PAR ORDINATEUR !

EF has especially created an English exam of 50 min. that you can do online. At the end of the Exam you can have a DIPLOMA of your current level of English that you can put in your CV. Here is the link: You can also go visit them during the fair for more information. #TakeOff

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IT IS THE FAIR DAY Many companies will be on the campus of pérolles in order to meet you. Take this opportunity to get a Job or an internship! #TakeOff

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31clothing and P.Henderson are preparing everything for the CV photoshoot of tommorow #takeoff

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Amazing program today: FriUp - Le Design Thinking, une source de compétences clés pour les entrepreneurs à venir. Room G120 16:30 Présentation en Français PwC - Grow your own way Room A120 18:00 Presentation in English All these events are followed by a networking Apéro.

Fri Up

Fri Up

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31 clothing & p. Henderson: CV pictures During the Fair, don't miss out the opportunity to make your CV more attractive for the recruiting teams. We lend you a suit for the occasion, so you only have to smile. No excuses, see you at our stand in the Hall of Pérolles from 10:00 to 17:00 on Wednesday!

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NEAR Career Days Fribourg


Fribourg, Switzerland
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