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Lindt Chocolate - South Africa recently moved to their new offices in Cape Town. We had the honor to redesign and produce the entire new stationery which included: Business Cards, Compliment Slips, Letterheads, Stamps, Maps, E-Mail Signatures etc. www.8chdesign.com
Photos from 8chDesign's post
And here some more impressions from the Wall Design we created for Florint. http://8chdesign.com/florint-wall-design/
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We are international... :-)
By order of Florismart we recently designed and created a 12m wide Wall Design for the International Florist Organisation FLORINT.ORG. This was presented to the public for the first time at the IFTF trade fair in the Netherlands. The aim was to portray the members of Florint’s 20 national floristry associations against the backdrop of an enlarged European map.
International Florist Organisation FLORINT.ORG
This post makes us very happy as it shares our article and design to Forint’s huge audience (462´430 followers)...
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Unser heutige Arbeitsplatz...
& online... :-)
Photos from 8chDesign's post
Hier einige Impressionen von Ausstellungsdesign-Elementen, die wir für The Flower Lab gestaltet haben. --- Here´s some impressions of design elements we created for The Flower Lab. ___ Photo credits: Koningjan
Fotoverslag presentatie Mohawk + Metapaper - De Monsterkamer
Inspiration muss sein... - und so war 8chDesign mittendrin...
International Florist Organisation FLORINT.ORG
- designed by 8chDesign :-)
Photos from 8chDesign's post
Unser Kunde DVK Sägetechnik verkauft neue Produkte. Als deren Designagentur geht sowas natürlich nicht spurlos an uns vorbei... www.saegetechnik.ch
Photos from 8chDesign's post
Lately, we concepted and created the new 3-folded Fleuramour brochure for The Flower Lab, an initiative of Florismart & FDF Bundesverband.