Junior Euromat 2016
Junior Euromat is the major event for young materials scientists and engineers and it assembles more than 300 Master and PhD students and postdocs. Lausanne and Junior Euromat is a symbiosis since the beginning of the conference in 1992, rendering it the major event for young materials scientists and engineers in Europe. Junior Euromat assembles every two years more than 300 Master and PhD students, Post docs and young scientists from all over the world. The 13th Junior Euromat conference is for the first time organized by the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Materials Department, Powder Technology Laboratory in close collaboration with FEMS and will be held at EPFL from July 10 to 14, 2016. Also for the first time, the Scientific Committee and the Organising Committee are responsible for the content and structure of Junior Euromat, adding further value to this unique event.The conference maintains its scope, covering the many different aspects of materials science and engineering. From 2016 on, the structure will be related to the Euromat Series with 6 thematic areas:
• Functional Materials
• Structural Materials
• Design, Processing, Manufacturing & Recycling
• Energy, Transportation and Environment
• Life Science and Health
• Modelling and Characterization
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