Conversation Cafe
Conversation Café : The Original Swiss online English conversation school.Via Skype you book lessons as short as 15min ( + corrections emailed back!) Tired of evening Grammar lessons? No time to travel abroad to practice English? Why not book some online Skype lessons with us? Summary and corrections emailed afterwards.You choose when and how long and where your practice lesson is :)
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Wow, what a year 2016 was. Any plans for 2017? Why not get your English sorted? Check out the video for more info and how to book your FREE trial conversation lesson:
For this week only (12-23 December 2016) : FREE text correction. Why not practice your English? Send me a text at THEME : Lost in Translation - Any funny stories to share?
Thursday German/English Funny : Ich kenn mich hier aus! Need English conversation practice?
How to practice English online:
There is just something about an English breakfast. No? Need Online English conversation practice? (pic credit : Ben Sutherland,
Wednesday afternoon Common German/English mistake: Volume 10, Day 38: They say that timing is every thing :) "I ordered several times a car" AND "I walk every day to the bakery" both show the common "time after the verb" German rule. BUT... in English we mostly prefer to put the time at the end : "I ordered a car several times" AND "I walk to the bakery every day". Need online language conversation practice? Curious?
Friday morning Common German/English mistake: Volume 8, Day 26: When to ask a girl on a date, when to take the lasagna out of the oven or just when to ask your boss for a raise...It`s all in the timing. Same is true in English/German sentence construction :) German "I go every day to the fitness!"... English: "I go to gym every day " :).. Fitness= Gym and timing, more often than not, at the end! Need personal Online English conversation help?
Monday Common German/English mistake: Volume 7, Day 22 : This one is a little more personal. Many moons ago, on a blistering hot day in Lucerne, I declared, in my best German to an audience: "Man, Ich bin heiss!!".... Instead of "Ich habe heiss":) Shamelessly drawing to attention to my perfect looks :) Needless to say, I no longer work at this language school and have since joined the witness protection program.. he he...English : "Man, I`m hot..." German : "Ich habe heiss!"...We help you practice your English Online...Curious? :
Wednesday evening Common German/English mistake: Volume 6, Day 17 : How any sympathetic people do we generally meet on any given day? :) "Martin, he is so sympathetic!"... Taken from the German "Martin is sehr sympathisch"... Meaning: Friendly, nice, likeable or an all road helluva nice guy :) Need online Conversation practice? Curious?
Sunday Morning Common German/English mistake: Volume 5, Day 14 : "I feel me good today!" Closely followed by, "I remember me" and "We meet us later " :) These verbs in English don`t have this reflexive quality... Simply, I feel good, I remember and we`ll meet up later... I trust me on this! :):) Have an awesome Sunday... Need Online Conversation Practice?
Thursday night Common German/English Mistake : Volume 4, Day 9... "As a mother I look for the children every day" :) This often leads to humorous results in the class, who would LOSE their kids daily?? Clearly "to look after" is meant...Need more help with conversation practice? Curious?