SSTH Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality
The official page of SSTH. Find up to date information about upcoming events, our study programs, students, faculty, news and campus life.
SSTH famously known as "THE Swiss School"
Approximately 500 students from 40 nationalities are enrolled.
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Photos from SSTH Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality's post
16. Schweizer Genusswoche 15. – 25.September 2016 For the second Genusswoche in Graubünden, you have the chance to see our excellent students in action. 23.09.16: Genuss Abend 'Triologie der Sinne' by Gion Fetz at SSTH in Passugg 24.09.16: Genussmarkt 'Fall in Love' by Andreas Caminada in Fürstenau
Genuss Abend - Triologie der Sinne
Don't miss the chance to experience the second Genuss Abend in Passugg - reserve your place today!
SSTH Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality, together with our trusted partner hotel The Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa, is in China presenting true 'Swissness' to the Chinese market! #ssth #hospitalitymanagement #ssthontour #thealpina #graubünden #ourregion #switzerland #hospitalityinpractice
Campus Graubünden
Anders denken: Neuer Umsatz anstelle von Kosten einsparen SSTH alumnus Patrick Manthe ist General Manager im renommierten «Chatrium Hotel & Residences Riverside» in Bangkok und führt mit über 400 Mitarbeitern einen Hotelbetrieb mit 396 Zimmern und 260 Residenzen für Gäste aus aller Welt. #ssth #hospitalitymanagement #alumnistories #hospitalityinpractice #WeAreSSTH #Büwo #Graubünden
Meet us at Career Day 2016
Meet SSTH at CAREER DAY 2016! Der hotelleriesuisse Career Day bietet jungen Nachwuchskräften die Möglichkeit, sich über die Karrieremöglichkeiten und Laufbahnperspektiven in der Hotellerie zu informieren sowie neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Vertreter der Branche stellen den Teilnehmenden den vielfältigen Arbeitsmarkt der Hotellerie sowie attraktive Weiterbildungsangebote vor. Nebst persönlichen Begegnungen und Austauschmöglichkeiten mit Vertretern aus der Hotellerie und der Bildung an den Messeständen, können die Besucher jeweils an spannenden Präsentationen und Workshops teilnehmen. Der Anlass richtet sich an 2. und 3. Jahr Lernende der Hotel- und Gastronomieberufe, sowie Hotelfachschüler und Maturanden. #ssth #hospitalitymanagement #hotelfachschule #BSc #hospitalityinpractice #ssthontour
SSTH Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality's cover photo
Interview with Rebecca Lau, student at the Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality -...
Meet our 6th semester student Rebecca, who says: “Even though I am quite academic and speak 6 languages I need an element of creativity. I specifically chose SSTH because its degree programs are accredited by the Swiss federal government and are both academic and practical. I also have the option to study two degrees.”
Timeline Photos
We are very proud to present to you our 13 HHS graduates! We wish you all the very best for the future – remember you’ll always be a part of the SSTH family. We'd love to hear from you in the years to come, so stay in touch and let us know where you've landed and what you’re up to.
Wir bekommen eine neue Ausbildung
We are very proud to present to you our 15 GFG graduates! We wish you all the very best for the future – remember you’ll always be a part of the SSTH family. We'd love to hear from you in the years to come, so stay in touch and let us know where you've landed and what you’re up to.
Dreaming of becoming an International Hotelier? Meet us in Berlin today, Sunday 19.06, at 1. Schultage Berlin and find out more about the exciting career opportunities that await you with our top Hospitality Management Degrees! #ssth #hospitalitymanagement #hotelfachschule #BSc #hospitalityinpractice #ssthontour